Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the At-Large Regional Leadership Call on Wednesday 15 February 2017 at 17:30 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Agenda: https://urldefenseicann-community.proofpointatlassian.comnet/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_XJzRAw&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PqnmlD10aN3cxIHyiUf_hNf25P6Dsv7dJM6flBzRrBs&m=C9G3Gbl_kUXufMj-573iZ3qXMmESA0XU1Tv1yBfvA5Y&s=MLJOOiuGv3948FEEVsbbsuwYqPjjfRGJYXGaV-6p2kE&e=wiki/x/Fw3hBQ
Ariel Liang:Hi all
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Humberto Carrasco:hello
judith hellerstein:HI All
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:
judith hellerstein:Who is squeeking
Heidi Ullrich:See:
judith hellerstein:no we only have apralo
judith hellerstein:not here
judith hellerstein:Glenn is in ireland
judith hellerstein:lacralo, naralo, apralo is here
Glenn McKnight:Correction I am in Iceland
Glenn McKnight:Ireland is my ancestor home Iceland is no relationship
judith hellerstein:yes i meant that but you cannot change the chat
Glenn McKnight:Its not just controversial, It can't be fixed its too full of flaws, poor research and porr recommendations
Glenn McKnight:A key issue is the double duty of the Chair of the RALO also becomes the ALAC member
Gisella Gruber:You all have scrolling rights
Gisella Gruber:Ali AlMeshal sends his apology
Gisella Gruber:Sarah Kiden has kjoined the English channel
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Sarah!
Silvia Vivanco:LACRALO WG on ITEMS report:
Glenn McKnight:my mic isn't working on my laptop. i can be reached in Iceland at area code 354 444 5613
Gisella Gruber:@ Glenn - we are calling you
Gisella Gruber:Glenn has joined the audio bridge
Maritza Aguero:Next Monday will be held LACRALO Call and we are going to have an item on this point
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Maritza.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:ok thx Maritza
judith hellerstein:Ok relaunched the browser
judith hellerstein:if it does not work I will try another browser
Maritza Aguero:Also, we have asked to ITEMS if the got a spanish version of it. We have not received an answer yet.
judith hellerstein:Yes that is really bad
Gisella Gruber:LEon Sanchez has joined the AC room
Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone
judith hellerstein:I agree with Glenn
Satish Babu:Hi Leon
Leon Sanchez:Following just the AC room for the moment but will try to join audio in a couple of minutes
Leon Sanchez:Hi Satish!
Glenn McKnight:Too much poison pen
judith hellerstein:hope the audio was better not sure why the audio is bad today as my connection says it is excellent
Glenn McKnight:Sure we can provide a RALO reflective perspective
Glenn McKnight:Olivier please setup the google doc etc. > We can add content and subsections
judith hellerstein:very few people travel business class
judith hellerstein:all of SSAC is on business class
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Only people with medical reuirements fly business --- but this is the rubbish allegations
judith hellerstein:they were not called out
Satish Babu:Ok with working on the RALO response page on the Wiki.
Glenn McKnight:happy to contribute
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Glenn McKnight:dan's
Glenn McKnight:i think two , but only one available?
Gisella Gruber:*6 to mute and *7 to unmute
Glenn McKnight:muted
Glenn McKnight:link
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:Need to understand the process of learning, What is the sequence
Glenn McKnight:Need a roadmap, fast lanes, slow lanes,
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Dan
Heidi Ullrich:ICANN Beginner's Guides:
Heidi Ullrich:@Olivier, we could have them translated and then send all versions to our community
Heidi Ullrich:They are only on epage
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:ok thanks @Heidi
Glenn McKnight:I see they are more resource pages not instructional guides to write policy
judith hellerstein:Yes these are just summaries of the policy and not a how to page on how to write policy
judith hellerstein:What was the purpose of it? was it just for summaries? or was it to teach people how to write polciy
Glenn McKnight:@judith i agree It seems that its a precise
Leon Sanchez:My apologies but I have to leave the call now. Thanks everyone and talk to you soon!
Silvia Vivanco:LACRALO Report is being translated into ES, FR, PT
Glenn McKnight:good news Maritza and Humberto
Maritza Aguero:@Olivier, we are going to send the mediation report as soon we received
Maritza Aguero:Thanks @Glenn!!
Satish Babu:Congratulations, LACRALO!
Maritza Aguero:Thanks @Satish!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:thanks @MAritza!
judith hellerstein:looking forward to reading this report
Satish Babu:APRALO is taking this up in the call tomorrow.
Maritza Aguero:yes @Judith!
Glenn McKnight:@olivier please email me details for the Lucid Press Magazine Introduction to Copenhagen on the details on item 6 ie. location etc
judith hellerstein:What is the red blocks
Maritza Aguero:to follow up LACRALO ALS, are you coing to share this document?
Silvia Vivanco:Maritza I sent you the list of ALSes from LACRALO which did not reply
Silvia Vivanco:to our requests
Glenn McKnight:Announcement: NARALO is producing a NARALO booklet for our GA including our agenda and important resources and will share when its complete. Each ALS is adding their content and interests
Glenn McKnight:It is viewable as a google doc if anyone wants to see it. You need to email me
Satish Babu:APRALO is planning a similar exercise for our GA at ICANN60, and we intend to do a survey on capabilities and gaps at ALS-level.
Glenn McKnight:Another effort has been an orientation with our RIR two webinars
Glenn McKnight:Get to Know ARIN with 15 attendees and a post followup survey
Glenn McKnight:We have been doing an extensive wiki on our logistics and agenda for our GA in New Orleans
judith hellerstein:yes we are doing this as well
Glenn McKnight:we had a purpose call on all those inactive community ie. warning letters etc
judith hellerstein:but it is a logn process as we have to first put them on notice and then wait a year before decertifying them
Glenn McKnight:@olivier i need content for the magazine location etc
Ariel Liang:Thanks to all the RALO leaders that help reach out to the ALSes in the database project!
Satish Babu:Thanks for the work on this, Ariel and team!
judith hellerstein:yes. thanks for all your work
judith hellerstein:when will the schedule be published?
Glenn McKnight:@Olivier send me the location, etc details \
Heidi Ullrich:@Olivier, where is that NCUC/At-Large event going to take place?
Glenn McKnight:Ok
Gisella Gruber:GNSO/ALAC Joint Session: NCUC/EURALO Outreach Event15:15-18:30 is currently scheduled in Hall 3
Glenn McKnight:got to go,
Glenn McKnight:Bye
Gisella Gruber:Capacity Building: End Users in ICANN: A topical discussion with At-Large on Wednesday 15 March from 12:30-13:30
Satish Babu:Bye Glenn...!
judith hellerstein:Great. it will not be an icann event without GEMS
Heidi Ullrich:EURALO Portal:
judith hellerstein:new hand
Ariel Liang:Thanks all! I will drop off now
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:@Judith -- Will turn to you after Heidi
Satish Babu:Looks good...
Satish Babu:Is this for the RALO-leve lactivities or member ALSes (or both)?
judith hellerstein:Sorry
Maritza Aguero:Is this the final schedule?
judith hellerstein:no the final schedule wll be out in 48 hours according to gisela
Maritza Aguero:ok!thanks @Judith!!
Maritza Aguero:thanks @Olivier!
Gisella Gruber:Once you see the general schedule on next Monday, you will see how busy this meeting is (again)
Satish Babu:Thanks Olivier and everyone else!
judith hellerstein:thanks all
Maritza Aguero:Many thanks!
judith hellerstein:bye all
Satish Babu:Bye!
Maritza Aguero:Byeeee
Silvia Vivanco:Bye all
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