1 | Metric Description: | |
2 | Notes/Comments: | |
3 | AoC Category: | List data |
| List option |
sortValue | A |
value | Consumer Trust (CT) |
List option |
sortValue | B |
value | Consumer Choice (CC) |
List option |
sortValue | C |
value | Competition (C) |
4 | SO/AC Originator: | |
5 | Staff Team: | List data |
| List option |
sortValue | C |
value | CTCCC TeamCompliance |
List option |
sortValue | D |
value | ComplianceOnline Comm Svcs |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | Ops Policy Research |
List option |
sortValue | F |
value | LegalTechnical Svcs |
6 | Metric Currently Measured? | |
7 | Computation: (e.g., data elements, formula, numerator, denominator, ratio/percent, periodicity/frequency) | |
8 | Data Owner: (i.e., party responsible for collecting and publishing metric) | |
9 | Data Reference Source: (i.e., how/where is the data collected, tracked, managed, and published/produced?) | |
10 | Targets: | |
11 | Implementation Considerations: (e.g., what new or additional resources, tasks, activities, systems, et al., whether internal or external, would be needed to develop, capture, and report this metric?) | |
12 | Degree of Difficulty/Impact: (i.e., net impact on existing ICANN resources, systems, and capabilities) | List data |
| List option |
sortValue | A |
value | Negligible |
List option |
sortValue | D |
value | Significant |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | Extraordinary |
13 | Estimated Development Cost ($M): | Internal | External |
List data |
| List option |
sortValue | A |
label | $0 or N/A |
value | 1 |
List option |
sortValue | B |
label | < $.1M |
value | 2 |
List option |
sortValue | C |
label | $.1M - .3M |
value | 3 |
List option |
sortValue | D |
label | $.3M - .5M |
value | 4 |
List option |
sortValue | E |
label | $.5M - 1.0M |
value | 5 |
List option |
sortValue | F |
label | $1.0M - 2.0M |
value | 6 |
List option |
sortValue | G |
label | > $2.0M |
value | 7 |
| List data |
| List option |
sortValue | A |
label | $0 or N/A |
value | 1 |
List option |
sortValue | B |
label | < $.1M |
value | 2 |
List option |
sortValue | C |
label | $.1M - .3M |
value | 3 |
List option |
sortValue | D |
label | $.3M - .5M |
value | 4 |
List option |
sortValue | E |
label | $.5M - 1.0M |
value | 5 |
List option |
sortValue | F |
label | $1.0M - 2.0M |
value | 6 |
List option |
sortValue | G |
label | > $2.0M |
value | 7 |
14 | Estimated Ongoing Production Costs: (i.e., incremental to existing funded/budgeted expenditures) | Internal | External |
Number data |
name | BUDGET-I |
format | $#,###,### |
| Number data |
name | BUDGET-E |
format | $#,###,### |
15 | Estimated Net Incremental Staff (FTE): (Express as a fraction and/or range, e.g., .25 - .50) | |
16 | Itemization of Staff Work Effort: (i.e., list of tasks/activities to support FTE calculation in Q15) | |
17 | Rough Implementation Timeframe: (e.g., indicate major steps and months/years to complete each one) | |
18 | Critical Dependencies: | |
19 | Anticipated Challenges/Risks: | |
20 | Explanation of Metric Effectiveness: (i.e., how will success/failure enable conclusions to be drawn concerning the relevant AoC definition?) | |
21 | Metric Effectiveness Assessment: (i.e., vis a vis AoC definition) | List data |
| List option |
sortValue | A |
value | Not Effective |
List option |
sortValue | B |
value | Partially Effective |
List option |
sortValue | D |
value | Moderately Effective |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | Highly Effective |
22 | Overall Feasibility Assessment: Panel |
bgColor | lightyellow |
titleColor | maroon |
titleBGColor | lightcyan |
title | LEGEND |
| Poor: Low Effectiveness - High Cost Weak: Low Effectiveness - Low Cost Potential: High Effectiveness - High Cost Optimal: High Effectiveness - Low Cost |
| |
| ======================================= | |