- Discuss actions to be taken for further Detailed Evaluation
- Any further consultation with Referees?
- Any engagement with Candidates themselves?
- Discuss timeline for further Detailed Evaluation
- BCEC Slate of Candidates to be agreed on Thursday 15 December latest
- BCEC Slate of Candidates to be announced on Thursday 22 December
- Any other Issues?
4. Process Questions to BMSPC
- UTC Time of announcement of BCEC Slate of Candidates on Thursday 22 December
- Channels to be used for announcement
- Materials that BMSPC needs from BCEC
- Checks (if any) that need to be done through ICANN Legal before announcement
5. Schedule of Future Meetings (Julie):
Thu 15 December 2100 UTC
Mon 19 December 2100 UTC
56. Any other business
67. Next Meeting - Mon 12 December 2100 UTC