Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Ariel Liang
Call Management:
1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. Update on Expressions of Interest Initial Evaluation of Candidates (Julie, Ariel)
- Call for Expressions of Interest: 19Oct16
- Reminders for Call for Expressions of Interest: 7Nov16
- Requests for Expressions of Interest - update on number of requests
- Reminders to Candidates for Expressions of Interest Completion: 4Nov16, 14Nov16
3. Sub-Committee on Plan for Tools Familiarisation (Julie, Louis, Yrjö)
a. Trial of Initial Evaluation Tools:
Trial highlighted two issues (thanks Louis!):
- Completion of EoIs using browsers with settings in languages other than English - instructions to Candidates on EoI Form advise to use English settings in browser
- Difficulties in attaching files - instructions to Candidates to attempt to do this early and immediately contact staff for assistance if any difficulties are encountered
- Any other Issues?
b. Trial of Detailed Evaluation Tools:
- Discuss any problems with tools
- Discuss any issues with methodology
- Discuss results of trial Detailed Evaluation
- Discussion of Process (any issues?)
- Review of Scores, Aggregate Results, Variances
- Discussion of any "differing" scores
- Discuss and agree a Candidate Shortlist for Detailed Evaluation
- Reveal names of all Candidates
3. Consultation with Referees (Julie)
- Telephone Reference as substitute for Written Reference (update from Julie)
- Telephone Consultation with Referees in addition to Written Reference (Shortlisted Candidates or all Candidates?)
- Telephone Consultation with other persons
- Other Reference Material
4. Detailed Candidate Evaluation (Julie, Jordi, Vanda)
- BCEC Candidate Evaluation Timeline - circulated for comment at 08:08 UTC 2Nov16 - review and confirm
- List of Questions to Referees - circulated for comment at 03:46 UTC 2Nov16 and subsequently updated - confirm
5. Publication os List of All Candidates (Julie, Ariel)
6. Schedule of Future Meetings (Julie):