A G E N D A to be updated
Welcome to the 2017 BCEC and BMSPC Members and Aim of Call - Julie Hammer, Chair of the BCEC and Tijani Ben Jemaa, Chair of the BMSPC (3 minutes)
Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
BMSPC - Roles and Responsibilities - Tijani (8 minutes)
BCEC Roles and Responsibilities - Julie (8 minutes)
Development of the At-Large Board Director Selection Timeline - Tijani (10 minutes)
Review of BCEC Code of Conduct 2017 (Draft) - Julie (10 minutes)
Review of Draft Candidate Requirements 2017 - Julie (10 minutes)
Next Steps- Julie and Tijani (5 minutes)
Frequency of BCEC calls and next call
Frequency of BMSPC calls and next call
Joint BCEC and BMSPC F2F at ICANN 57
1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. BCEC Code of Conduct 2017[community.icann.org]
- Discuss scope of Code of Conduct
- Discuss method of formal agreement and commitment
- Finalise Code of Conduct
3. Work Practices and Invoking Alternates
- Discuss the following sections of the draft BCEC Operational Procedures and Guidelines
1. BCEC Meetings
2. Work Practice
3. Alternates
4.Training on Tools
- Training sessions to be arranged by staff for Members and Alternates
Alternates leave meeting: For Members Only:
6. Regular meeting time for BCEC Members only Meetings
- discuss options: today’s time was influenced by the need to accommodate Alternates.
- suggest do another doodle asap
5. Draft Candidate Requirements[community.icann.org]
- I was unable to find any statement of candidate requirements for 2014, only a discussion paper
- The current draft is repeat of the 2010 Candidate Requirements with the following changes:
1. Deleted “ 5. Persons who are willing to serve as volunteers, without compensation other than the reimbursement of certain expenses;” as this has been removed from the Bylaws
2. Replaced the whole section “Additional Bylaw Qualifications” with a direct cut and paste from the latest 11Feb2016 version of the Bylaws (wording has changed quite a bit but general intent hasn’t)
3. Additional first criteria under “ALAC-specific Guidelines” ( - An understanding of ICANN At-Large) which was introduced in 2014.
6. Expressions of Interest Proforma
- 2014 Expressions of Interest Document (PDF can be downloaded from here[community.icann.org] in English, French and Spanish)
- review 2014 EOI against final 2017 Candidate Requirements
7. Board Candidate Selection Timeline
- Discuss draft timeline received from Tijani
8. Any other business