Instructions: The purpose of this clean up step is to ensure that all Community Wiki members are assigned to appropriate groups.
The guiding principle should be: - A separate group should be created for each different set of permissions needed for a Wiki Space. The operative permissions are:
View | Add Page | Remove Page | Restrict Page | Add Comment | Remove Comment | Add Attachment | Remove Attachment |
For each row, as assigned, please make the following changes - All deletions should be colored RED
- All additions should be colored GREEN
Examples: - To delete a name from an existing group, simply color it RED.
- If you want to create a new Group, add a row to the table (at the end) and make all of the text GREEN.
- To change the name of a Group, use strikeout font and/or color to accomplish, e.g., to change gnso to gnso-staff, you could add -staff within the cell.