In May 2022, the then Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency of the GNSO amended its current charter, including a name change to the Not-for-Profit Organizations Constituency (NPOC), and notified the ICANN organization of its request for approval by the ICANN Board. Following review of the amended NPOC charter by the ICANN organization in mid-2022, the ICANN Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) directed a Public Comment proceeding on the amended NPOC charter in late 2022. The ICANN organization developed a summary report of the Public Comment submissions, and the NPOC addressed this feedback in early 2023, revising its operating procedures as appropriate. Having determined that all necessary steps of the Process were satisfied, the OEC recommended that the ICANN Board approve the proposed NPOC charter amendments on 11 June 2023.