WHAT HAS CHANGED FOR FY20 (these changes have been made based on community feedback, to facilitate clarity about the scope of the program):
- Each RALO and eligible GNSO Constituency is allocated up to three (3) individual regional trips, to be utilized within a financial year (FY), and in accordance with the goals, strategies, and expected activities and outcomes detailed in each RALO’s and Constituency’s Outreach Strategic Plan.
- The three allocated trips must be within the applicable geographical region for each RALO and eligible Constituency (as determined by the GSE list of countries and regions); and must be applied in the following manner:
(a) If, during the current FY, there is an ICANN Public Meeting or an official meeting being organized by the ICANN Organization occuring in the relevant region, at least one (1) trip must be allocated either to that ICANN Public Meeting or ICANN-organized meeting.
(b) The remaining trip allocations must be used for an event in the relevant region that is assessed by the relevant regional Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) regional vice-president as being: (i) directly and demonstrably related to ongoing ICANN policy, advisory or technical activities (e.g. a Regional Internet Registry meeting), and (ii) consistent with the ICANN Organization’s outreach plan for that region.
For clarity, if there is no ICANN Public Meeting or ICANN-organized meeting taking place in the relevant region during the current FY, all three (3) trip allocations may be used in accordance with the criteria outlined in (b).
- For CROP purposes, the list of GSE countries and geographic regions will be used to determine the applicable region that a meeting/event falls under.
- The “relevant region” for a RALO means those countries corresponding to the RALO’s region in the GSE list.
- The “relevant region” for an eligible GNSO Constituency means that the trip must be allocated to a traveler from residing in one of the countries within the GSE-designated region where the event/meeting in question is taking place.
- A RALO or eligible GNSO Constituency Constituency may choose to use more than one (1) trip to the same meeting, which will count as part of its overall three (3) allocations.
- An “official meeting organized by the ICANN Organization” means a meeting where the programming, logistics and other arrangements are solely or primarily the responsibility of the ICANN Organization. By way of example, this will include the GDD Summit but not any other conference or event where ICANN’s involvement is in the form of minor funding or sponsorship in kind (e.g. providing small gifts for inclusion in conference bags or permitting the ICANN logo to be used on a brochure), sending delegates (whether staff or community members funded via other means), or is an invited speaker.