- Name: Sam Lanfranco
- Declared Region: Canada/North America
- Gender: Male
- Employment: Economics Professor Emeritus & Farmer
- Conflicts of Interest: None
- Reasons for Willingness to Take on the Tasks of the GNSO Position:
The recent major expansion of new gTLDs marks a milestone in the maturation of the Internet ecosystem as a factor in economic growth, and for civil society. The next years will bring growing bottom up pressures on the scope and focus of GNSO project and policy activities, especially with regard to the less developed and more disadvantaged regions of the globe and sectors of society. Policies related to issues of generic top-level domain (gTLDs) governance, engagement and accountability will increasingly be driven by issues of poverty and social justice. ICANN’s efforts will be joined by other significant entities within the Internet ecosystem. These concerns have been central to my work as a development economist for decades and with ICT for development. I want to bring an “outside the ICANN box” perspective to GNSO discussion and debate as it formulates its work agenda and strategy within this new emerging reality.
- Qualifications for Position:
I have been formally associated with ICANN for slightly over a year. While I am Chair of the Policy Committee in NPOC, and on the GNSO New gTLD Discussion Group, I would not qualify for a position on the GNSO if the sole criteria were length of service within ICANN. However, I have been dealing with the consequences of ICT on economic development and civil society processes for four decades. As an ICANN outsider and economist my perspective would complement the mainly technical and intellectual property centric view of gTLD policy with a more development centric perspective. As a social scientist I would bring a civil society perspective that emphasized how gTLD policy implementation impacts on stakeholders as they build and work within the Internet ecosystem.
- Statement of Availability for the Time the Position Requires:
As a Professor Emeritus I have ample time to meet the demands of the position. My farm work involves mutual help between farmers and requires only short periods of attention during the year. The rest of my time is devoted to issues of ICT and development, with a preferential option for empowering the poor via greater stakeholder engagement in policy and implementation.
- Other information that the candidate believes is relevant:
Rather than offer more detail with regard to relevant qualifications, in terms of past experience elsewhere, I would like to reiterate my view that ICANN (and the GNSO) are at a milestone in the development of the Internet ecosystem. The next few years will call for new perspectives, even within the existing ICANN remit and GNSO remit, as well as the emergence of new significant players with regard to Internet governance. New beneficial perspectives will have to come from broader and deeper stakeholder engagement in the reasoned dialogue that precedes, accompanies and follows creating discussion groups, creating working groups, recruiting expert panels, and instituting policy development processes within the GNSO and within ICANN.