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NameRoleSponsor /
ICANN Budget
Specific Sessions, limitationsHotelDatesNotes
Robin GrossNCSG ChairNCSG  Sheraton 14-22 
Rafik DammakIncoming NCSG ChairNomcomcoming in Sunday 17th   
William DrakeNCUC ChairNCUC Sheraton14 - 23+41786354888
Marie-laure LemineurNPOC ChairNPOC1st Latin American and Caribbean DNS FORUMSheraton14 - 23 
David CakeCouncilNCSG    
Maria FarrellCouncilNCSG Sheraton15-23 
Magaly PazelloCouncilNCSG    
Wolfgang KleinwächterCouncilNCSG    
Wendy SeltzerCouncilNCSG    
Amr ElsadrCouncil electNCSG    
Avri DoriaCouncil elect
Atl-chair NCSG-PC 

Mon-Tues committed to ATRT session

Chair NCSG PolicySession - Sunday

Rudi VansnickNPOC-PC ChairNPOC

1st Latin American and Caribbean DNS FORUM

Klaus Stoll NPOC    

Lianna Galstyan


ISOC.AM Council Member

Roy BallesteNCSG WG Member     
