marie-laure lemineur:good morning!
Nathalie Peregrine:Hello Marie-Laure!!
marie-laure lemineur:can you listen to me? I hear you
Nathalie Peregrine:Marie Larue, we cannot hear you
marie-laure lemineur:i guess we are on mute
Nathalie Peregrine:have you enabled your audio
Nathalie Peregrine:no you are not
marie-laure lemineur:all fine...thks Nathalie
Nathalie Peregrine:pleasure Marie Laure!
Amr Elsadr:Hi..., just dialled in.
Nathalie Peregrine:Hello Amr!
Amr Elsadr:Hi Nathalie. Has the call started?
Nathalie Peregrine:Hello, it has just started.
Magaly:Hello everybody, nice be here again.
Nathalie Peregrine:Hello Magaly!
Nathalie Peregrine:Everyone, Robin, does not have access to the AC room for this call, so she will not see raised hands
Nathalie Peregrine:Robin is now in the AC room, so she CAN see raised hands :)
Timothe Litt:I never saw a draft, just the e-mail conversation.
Timothe Litt:(which dead-ended with milton's suggestion)
Mary Wong:Hello everyone, sorry I'm late - was on a ccNSO Council call. Any reason why the doc we're seeing on the screen is the Beijing agenda?
Mary Wong:The Board is having its mtg in Amsterdam this week.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hi thought I'd drop in having just finished this months ccNSO Council call and before my next conference at top of the hour
Maria Farrell:Hi guys, apologies for lateness. Just joined, too!
Maria Farrell:Hi cheryl.
marie-laure lemineur:i completely agree with Amr
Roy Balleste:Completely agree with Amr!!
marie-laure lemineur:nothinparticularnothin particular to add
Cintra Sooknanan:Hi everyone
Rudi Vansnick:sorry for being late, had some connecting problems
Cintra Sooknanan:same here :(
Mary Wong:Yes we are
Mary Wong:One funny thing - try to pronounce IOC-RCRC-IGO-INGO WG as a word. It sounds pretty guttural and funny :)
Rudi Vansnick:with regards the registry agreement : would we look for an eventual separation of the registry agreement based on the concept of community and non-community based applications ?
Mary Wong:@Rudi, I don't think so. Why do you think that may be on the cards?
Rudi Vansnick:it would be honnest not to burden community based registries with pure commercial approaches
Mary Wong:Are there any commercially-oriented community apps?
Rudi Vansnick:i don't think so, that's why i would like a split of concept between community based and non-community based
Maria Farrell:sorry, I don't think anyone can hear me.
Maria Farrell:I think it is ok to vote FOR
Magaly:Hi Robin! I just trying to figure out the council issues yet...
Timothe Litt:No clue what the output of the study group would be...
Rudi Vansnick:i'm with Wendy
Maria Farrell:+1 to Wendy. I also think it seems harmless.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Leaving now to NomCom call Bye
Timothe Litt:Looks like a sensible process fix.
Maria Farrell:Yep, I also think we should support the 2nd motion. It's clarifying the process.
Rudi Vansnick:+1
Timothe Litt:Seems like a sledgehammer attack on a flea. But OK.
Timothe Litt:Postponement is parag. 2.
Timothe Litt:limited to the issues discussed in this report but delay the next steps in the PDP until the Expert Working Group
Maria Farrell:Hi guys, I keep trying to speak but no one can hear me. (pretty sure I"m not on mute).
Maria Farrell:thanks amr!
Amr Elsadr:We lost you Maria.
Mary Wong:There u r!
Mary Wong:Oops gone again
Maria Farrell:ok no problem. it wasn't too imporant!
Amr Elsadr:we can hear your keyboard too!! :)
Maria Farrell:sorry, my connectionis week
Magaly:We can hear you now Maria
Maria Farrell:OK I can't speak. :-)
Magaly:Maria please try to speak again
Maria Farrell:let's move on.
Magaly:Now it is clear please speak
Maria Farrell:so sorry - forget it!
Rudi Vansnick:i also have mike issues here
Maria Farrell:it's taking a minute or 2 to even type through to you.
Maria Farrell:forget it. i'll just listen!
marie-laure lemineur: sorry I have to go to the Whois meeting.. bye
Amr Elsadr:Have another call starting now. Thanks for today's call.
Roy Balleste:Joining the same call Whois PDP. Thank you for the call.
Rudi Vansnick:what's the timeframe ?
Mary Wong:Am I the only one that keeps seeing the Beijing (April) agenda on the screen?
Timothe Litt:@mary, no, the rest of us have the same hallucination.
Mary Wong:@Timothe, thanks. And thank you for the thoughtful comments on the listserv!
Timothe Litt:use Robin's meeting announement e-mail.
Magaly:@Mary @ Timothe yes
Mary Wong:Hunting for it now ... getting lost :(
Magaly:Robin I am also facing the same conflicts problem
Maria Farrell:Confirming that I'm good for thursday's council meeting.
Magaly:I just had confirmed that I will need someone to hold my proxy too.
Magaly:Ok I send a message to the list as Robin is not following the adobe chat window
robin gross:i see magaly
Magaly:@Robin, aaah ok thanx!
Timothe Litt:AOB: What do do with the who should file SOI discussion from the list.
robin gross: will raise it tim
Timothe Litt:I posted them thoughts to the list.
Timothe Litt:(Sorry no outgoing audio.)
Timothe Litt:I think it's every member - as even endorsing a position constitues policy-making.
Rudi Vansnick:good point Timothe
Timothe Litt:and it's simple
Timothe Litt:I outlined the rationale in my second note to the list.
Cintra Sooknanan:I think we have all filed since we are part of GNSO
Timothe Litt:I also noted that the member profile should be integrated with the SOI process.
Rudi Vansnick:who did not yet posted a SOI ?
Timothe Litt:Until recently, I had not.
Cintra Sooknanan:GNSO requires it so I think most of us would have SOIs posted
Timothe Litt:And there are far fewer SOIs posted than members.
Timothe Litt:Re: Is it a barrier? I don't think so. If we make it simple. See my second post as I addressed the enforcement and integration questions.
Timothe Litt:I think the membership questionairre is a mini-SOI. So expand it and have one thing.
Timothe Litt:Yes, I also mentioned the annual check-in as something to integrated with the SOI /questionnairre update.
Timothe Litt:So how about folks re-read the comments and comment on-list.?
Rudi Vansnick:bye thanks Robin
Magaly: Thank you Robin!
Cintra Sooknanan:bye everyone!