As of 28 July 2011 0000 UTC - List used for charter ballot More update will be made before the elections (assuming the charter is approved). Deadline for sending updates 20 August Confirmed | Name of person to receive ballot (Official Representative) | Organization (if any) | votes | Country |
active | Amber Sterling | Assocation of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) | 4 | USA | active | Debra Hughes | American Red Cross | 4 | USA | active | Desiree Miloshevic | Afilias | 4 | Ireland | active | Dongman Lee | Information and Communications University | 4 | Republic of Korea (South) | active | Eric S Johnson | Internews International | 4 | USA | active | Marc Rotenberg | Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) | 4 | USA | active | Nicole Ozer | American Civil Liberties Union | 4 | USA | active | Tapani Tarvainen | Electronic Frontier Finland | 4 | Finland | active | Virgina Paque | Diplo Foundation | 4 | Malta | active | Aaron Eitan Meyer | The Lawfare Project | 2 | USA | active | Adam Peake | GLOCOM | 2 | Japan | active | Alex Gakuru | ICT Consumers Association of Kenya | 2 | Kenya | active | Carlos A. Afonso | Information Network for the Third Sector- RITS | 2 | Brazil | active | Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza | Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS) | 2 | Brazil | active | Caroline Isautier | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) | 2 | France | active | David Cake | Electronic Frontiers Australia | 2 | Australia | active | Fatima Cambronero | AGEIA DENSI (Argentina) | 2 | Argentina | active | Horacio T. Cadiz | "Philippine Network Foundation, Inc. (PHNET)" | 2 | Philippines | active | Imran Ahmed Shah | Urdu Internet Society | 2 | Pakistan | active | Joly MacFie | Internet Society - NY Chapter (ISOC-NY) | 2 | USA | active | Karl Manheim | Loyola Law School | 2 | USA | active | Konstantinos Komaitis | Strathclyde Law School | 2 | UK | active | M Hakikur Rahman | SDNP Bangladesh | 2 | Bangladesh | active | Marc Perkel | Church of Reality | 2 | USA | active | Marcelo Fernandes Costa | Comitê para Democratização da Informática de Pernambuco (CDI) Pernambuco | 2 | Brazil | active | Mary Wong | Pierce Law School | 2 | USA | active | Milton Mueller | Internet Governance Project | 2 | USA | active | Norbert Klein | Open Institute of Cambodia | 2 | Cambodia | active | Rebecca MacKinnon | Global Voices | 2 | Netherlands | active | Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes | Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. | 2 | Germany | active | Robin Gross | IP Justice | 2 | USA | active | Rudi Rusdiah | APWKomitel (Association of Community Internet Center) | 2 | Indonesia | active | Tan Tin Wee | Multilingual Internet Names Consortium | 2 | Singapore | active | Ted Byfield | "The Thing (, Inc.)" | 2 | Canada | active | Alain Berranger | Individual | 1 | | active | Amr Elsadr | Individual | 1 | Egypt | active | Andrew Adams | Individual | 1 | Japan | active | Angel Sanchez Seoane | Individual | 1 | "Galicia, Spain" | active | Avri Doria | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Baudouin Schombe | Individual | 1 | Democratic Republic of Congo | active | Beau Brendler | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Blaise Arbouet | Individual | 1 | | active | Cedric Laurant | Individual | 1 | Columbia | active | Charles Mok | Individual | 1 | Hong Kong | active | "Cheng Tung, Richard" | Individual | 1 | | active | Claude Almansi | Individual | 1 | | active | Dan Krimm | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Divina Frau-Meigs | Individual | 1 | France | active | Dixie Hawtin | Individual | 1 | | active | Dwi Elfrida Martina S | Individual | 1 | | active | Edward Hasbrouck | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Flavio Rech Wagner | Individual | 1 | Brazil | active | Fouad Bajwa | Individual | 1 | Pakistan | active | George Asare Sakyi | Individual | 1 | Ghana | active | Glenn Ricart | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Hago Elteraifi Mohamed Dafalla | Individual | 1 | Sudan | active | Iris Garcia | Individual | 1 | USA | active | JFC Morfin | Individual | 1 | France | active | John Selby | Individual | 1 | | active | "Jonathan Kramer, Esq." | Individual | 1 | | active | K M Joseph | Individual | 1 | India | active | Kathy Kleiman | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Kerry Brown | Individual | 1 | | active | Kim Pham | Individual | 1 | | active | Kim von Arx | Individual | 1 | Canada | active | Lamees El Baghdady | Individual | 1 | Egypt | active | Lehrstuhl Weber | Individual | 1 | | active | Lisa McLaughlin | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Marco Toledo | Individual | 1 | Brasil | active | Margaret Warigia Bowman | Individual | 1 | | active | Maria Farrell | Individual | 1 | Ireland | active | Michael Haffely | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Michael Sprague | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Mohab Altlaity | Individual | 1 | Egypt | active | Naveed Ul Haq | Individual | 1 | Pakistan | active | Nicolas Adam | Individual | 1 | Canada | active | Nuno M. Garcia | Individual | 1 | Portugal | active | Oksana Prykhodko | Individual | 1 | Ukraine | active | Patrick Reilly | Individual | 1 | USA | active | PETERS OSAWARU OMORAGBON | Individual | 1 | | active | Poomjit Sirawongprasert | Individual | 1 | Thailand | active | Rafik Dammak | Individual | 1 | Tunisia | active | Raquel Gatto | Individual | 1 | Brasil | active | Remmy Nweke | Individual | 1 | | active | Ron Wickersham | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Rosemary Sinclair | Individual | 1 | Australia | active | Rossella Mattioli | Individual | 1 | Italy | active | Roy Balleste | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Rudi Vasnick | Individual | 1 | Belgium | active | Ruvakubusa Liliane | Individual | 1 | Burundi | active | Sarah El Ebiary | Individual | 1 | | active | Shefqet Meda | Individual | 1 | Albania | active | Tapani Tarvainen | Individual | 1 | Finland | active | Thomas Roessler | Individual | 1 | Luxembourg | active | Timothe Litt | Individual | 1 | USA | active | Tracy F. Hackshaw | Individual | 1 | Trinidad & Tobago | active | Victoria McEvedy | Individual | 1 | UK | active | Virgina Paque | Individual | 1 | Venezuela | active | Vladimir Radunovic | Individual | 1 | Serbia | active | Wendy Seltzer | Individual | 1 | USA | active | William Drake | Individual | 1 | Switzerland | active | Willie Currie | Individual | 1 | South Africa | active | Wilson Abigaba | Individual | 1 | |