Time: 21:00 UTC - 23:00 UTC
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Telephone: http://ipjustice.org/ICANN/NCSG/NCSG_Passcodes.htm
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Attendance Records of NCSG Open Policy Meetings:
Revised Discussion Agenda:
I. Preparation for 14 March GNSO Council Meeting
14 March GNSO Council Meeting Discussion Agenda:
GNSO Council meeting audio cast: http://stream.icann.org:8000/gnso.m3u
A. Motions to be Voted On
B. Council Discussion Issues (no vote)
1. Policy vs. Implementation
Recent issues highlight an ongoing broader issue regarding the boundary
between policy development and implementation work as well as the effective
integration of policy development and integration work from the outset.
In addition, the Council is increasingly asked to consider issues for policy
guidance and may well need to look at the evolution of its own work and
processes to accommodate this type of request.
Recent discussions on the Council mailing list indicate that there is an
interest to undertake further work on this issue. At the same time, ICANN
Staff has published a paper
an13-en.pdf> that is intended to facilitate further community discussions
on this topic.
Further community discussion will take place in Beijing and the inclusion of
this agenda item here serves to keep the issue on the agenda of the Council
in the interim.
ICANN Public Comment Forum on Policy vs. Implementation:
NCSG Comment: http://forum.icann.org/lists/comments-policy-implementation-31jan13/msg00004.html
Reply Comments Due by 14 March
2. Registrar Agreement Amendment (RAA) Negotiations
After all LEA issues were near-resolved, ICANN staff unilaterally cut-off negotiations with registrars and is trying to impose new and additional terms in agreement, including a term that gives ICANN the right to make all decisions and unilaterally change any terms. ICANN is also trying to force the Registries to accept this term in their agreement. Growing concern in GNSO of ICANN staff unilateralism and under-cutting the bottom-up multi-stakeholder governance model.
ICANN opened a public comment on their "proposed RAA agreement":
March 28: Comment Close
April 19: Reply Close
Registrars Statement:
3. Whois Privacy and Proxy Relay and Reveal Study
At the ICANN Meeting in Toronto, Lyman Chapin presented the results of the
7oct12-en.pdf> that evaluated the feasibility of conducting a future
in-depth study into communication Relay and identity Reveal requests sent
for gTLD domain names registered using Proxy and Privacy services.
The Council discussed this at its 14 February 2013 meeting but did not reach
a firm conclusion. Some expressed concern about going ahead with the study
now, when a lot of other Whois activities are going on, while others
appeared to support moving forward as the study could result in data that
would help inform ongoing Whois activities.
One possible way forward is that staff is asked to go ahead with the RFP
for this work and then report back to the Council before going ahead with
the study? In this way, some of the preparatory work could be done, which
would allow us to move forward quickly if/when the Council decides to move
3. GNSO Council in Beijing Meeting Planning
The GNSO Council has the opportunity to shape the topics and
substance of the Council's proposed meetings with other groups in Beijing
such as the CCNSO, the GAC and the ICANN board.
What topics would NCSG members like to see the GNSO Council take up discussion in Beijng?
4. Confirmation of attendance of NCSG Representatives for 14 March GNSO Council meeting and need for any proxies to be arranged?
Wendy, Wolfgang, Joy, David, Maria, Magaly
II. Other Policy Issues and Public Comments
A. Other Policy Issues
1. 2nd Accountability & Transparency Review Team (ATRT2)
2. Whois Expert Working Group
Issue with under-representation of privacy experts in group and trying to identify data protection expertise that is *willing* to participate has been a major challenge.
The Report of the Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services Meeting (26-27 February 2013):
3. Thick Whois & Data Protection Sub-Group
4. Special Protections for Red Cross, Olympic Cmte, IGOs
IGO-INGO Working Group
NCSG Input Statement:
5. ICANN's Outreach & Engagement Plans
6. Public Interest Commitments (PICs) of New TLD applicants
Background: http://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-2-05mar13-en.htm
7. What is happening with staff's Strawman solution & other TM issues for New TLDs?
GNSO Council Statement: http://t.co/NVpv3E0WaO
NCSG Statement: http://forum.icann.org/lists/tmch-strawman/msg00029.html
B. Open ICANN Public Comments
1. So-called "closed generic" or "private label" TLD debate.
ICANN Public Comment Forum:
Reply Comment Deadline: ?
GNSO to provide policy guidance to board at end of comment period
2. Revised New gTLD Registry Agreement Including Additional Public Interest Commitments Specification
ICANN Public Comment Forum:
Reply Comment Deadline: 20 March
3. Whois Registrant Identification Study, Draft Report
ICANN Public Comment Forum:
Reply Comment Deadline: 31 March
4. Preliminary Issue Report on Uniformity of Reporting
ICANN Public Comment Forum:
Comment Close: 22 March Reply Close: 12 April
5. Proposed Modification of GNSO PDP Manual to Address the Suspension of a PDP
ICANN Public Comment Forum:
Comment Close: 6 April Reply Close: 28 April
6. ICANN's FY 14 Security, Stability and Resiliency Framework
ICANN Public Comment Forum:
Comment Close: 20 April Reply Close: 20 May
7. FY14 Community Travel Support Guidelines
ICANN Public Comment Forum:
Comment Close: 21 April Reply Close: 11 June
III. NCSG Planning for Beijing ICANN Meeting
Working draft schedule of NCSG Meetings in Beijing and proposed discussion topics so far:
A. Propose Discussion Issues:
1. NCSG with Board
2. NCSG with At-Large
3. Topics for Public Forum
B. Other Beijing Meeting Plans
1. Preparation Meeting for NCSG in Beijing on 28 March 15:00 UTC
IV. AoB?