Name: Juan Manuel Rojas P Region: Latin America Gender: Male Employment: Journalist/Podcaster (self-employed) and Entrepreneur, working at Minka Digital NGO (on formation), Director Ageia Densi Colombia (among other projects). Conflict of interest: None Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the particular position: I have been involved in Internet Governance ecosystems and I have been working in my country in capacity building about Freedom of Speech, DNS Abuse and Cybersecurity. I firmly believe that Digital Divide is not only about infrastructure but knowledge and how we can use the technology for good, as we have seen in this healthy crisis that we are living at this moment. I believe that in every step of my engagement in ICANN I learned to read the ICANN Process and Policy making, I learned to read the different stakeholder’s interest, dynamics and problems, and of course, I learned to follow mentors, lead mentees, lead groups, calls, working process and create the right strategies and dynamics to properly address the non-commercial coerces in the DNS policy of the GNSO. Being a GNSO Councilor allows me to fully apply all that I’ve been learning and fight from a better position in the cause of non-commercial interest. Qualifications for the position: I have participated in ICANN since early 2011 when I was a member of the General Assembly for At-Large Latin American and Caribbean Regional Organizations (LACRALO). Recently I have been involved in Executive Committee from Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC), as former Policy Committee member for Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG), appointed Executive Committee for NCSG and member of New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group. I also have participated as member in Working Groups such as: GNSO Drafting Team to Further Develop Guidelines and Principles for the GNSO’s Roles and Obligations as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Committee, GNSO Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP and Next-Generation gTLD Registration Directory Services to Replace Whois. My leadership as a current member is serving on the Executive Committee of Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) as well as the Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC), addressing topics such as Cybersecurity and Domain Names Abuse. I also served as Communications Chair for the NPOC Executive Committee and four months ago I stepped in as the temporary replacement Councilor in the GNSO Council when Martin left the position open. During all this time I engaged with SubPro WG which currently discusses Topics that are very sensitive to our non-commercial interests. Some of my academic experience includes my participation as a lecturer in academic events such as: ICEGOV (International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance) organised by United Nation University - UNU, in China (2010) and Estonia (2011). Also, I have been a fellow of Internet Governance events and courses such as LACIGF (2011,2012 and 2014), South School of Internet Governance and Internet Governance Capacity Building Program. I have been working on unpublished research about the Maturity of IT services in the public sector which has a primary objective to assess the service management effectively in government entities and to provide an updated view of method, models and frameworks used for knowing that maturity stage in each public body. Previously, I have published some papers about e-government entitled E-government models in Latin-America: comparative research, E-participation and e-governance at Web 2.0 in Local Governments of Colombia and Strategies to achieve the e-participation in processes of democratization of local governments what are showing my permanent concern about quality information, interaction and e-services provided to citizens from government entities. Statement of availability for the time the position requires: I am aware of how to handle volunteer obligations, because I am also a Scout Leader, and leadership positions, I’ve been doing it for years inside and outside ICANN. During this time I have actively participated in Council meetings without missing no one who shows my commitment to this job. Especially in the GNSO Council I’ve proved I can keep up with the time and work required to be there. I have a flexible agenda and it is possible for me to tailor my availability to suit the GNSO Council needs. I fully commit to continue and always improve my work and performance in ICANN, whether inside or outside the Council. I am very happy to be part of this and I want to again thanks all for the support. This is a little abstract from my background and would be an honor to me to represent LatinAmerica and Caribbean as its Councilor. Best Regards, |