most part in ensuring that the internet is kept as a resource for all, and that we do our part to ensure that access is equal and unhindered.
I have been working extensively on the IANA transition within ICANN from Day 1, making sure that security of the root is core to any of the work that has been done by the group, and advising the group on the technical impacts of some of the decisions, including the incorporation of a strong business continuity requirement. On the CCWG I have worked closely with Robin our appointed member and many of the other NCSG members to ensure that the new, ore accountable, ICANN that is being envisioned meets the needs of the GNSO and in particular our NCSG members. Working on constructing the Independent Review Panel, ensuring that our review teams have access to the information they require, and helping to guide our independent legal counsel have been some of the core concerns that I have been working on, including working at the face to face meetings in Istanbul, Buenos Aires and most recently in Paris as we came to the final days of the second draft proposal.
As we now move into the implementation of the work of the CWG post ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, and hopefully the work of the CCWG post ICANN 54 in Dublin, my home town, I will be ensuring that we stick to the plan and that we succeed in transitioning this critical component of the internet’s structure in a safe and secure manner.
I have also been working on privacy matters, working with Stephanie Perrin, Kathy Kleinman and many other NCSG members on the Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP working group, attempting to ensure that semianonymous registrations are possible for atrisk registrants and keeping that ability in the face of overwhelming opposition from some stakeholders has been a battle to this day.
As the role of NCSG Chair also requires a great deal of operational and administration expertise I feel that I bring a lot of experience in this area also. I have over 10 years experience working as a project and program manager and have extensive experience in leading large groups of diverse teams to a common set of goals. I believe this experience will be valuable to NCSG as we navigate our way through the implementation of the IANA transition and ensure that we place ourselves at the forefront of the new ICANN, maintaining our role as the voice of Civil Society in policy development. I hope to work with both NCSG members and ICANN staff to examine the issue of volunteer burnout within policy development and try and find innovative ways to ensure that our workload is manageable and that everyone has a strong voice in ICANN.
Statement of availability for the time the position requires:
As required I will scale back my day job to part time in order to meet the challenges of being NCSG Chair. I am lucky to have such flexibility in my current situation that I will have the ability to dedicate as much time to this role as it requires.