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a. Update on SSAD model cost estimate and schedule for review 4. Recommendation #6 – CP Authorization (45 minutes) a. Review remaining discussion items (6-22) gleaned from input provided on recommendation #6 discussion table [docs.google.com] (see discussion items attached) b. Confirm next steps 5. Recommendation #7 Authorization Automated & Recommendation #16 Automation
6. Recommendations not considered by EPDP <<< reminder: homework on this recommendation is due by 5 May 2020, 23:59 UTC a. Review discussion items gleaned from input provided on recommendations not considered by EPDP [docs.google.com] b. Confirm next steps 7. Wrap and confirm next EPDP Team meeting (5 minutes): a. Tuesday 12 May at 14.00 UTC. TBD b. Thursday 14 May at 14.00 UTC. Topics to be addressed: Acceptable Use, Query Policy, Terms of use, Data Retention c. Confirm action items d. Confirm questions for ICANN Org, if any BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS Recommendation 6 Discussion Items - 22Apr2020v1
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GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar |