To see who have been appointed to the EPDP Team, please see https://community.icann.org/x/2opHBQ.
If I am not appointed as a member, does that mean I cannot be involved?
2. What criteria must Contracted Parties be obligated to consider in deciding whether to disclose non-public Registration data to an outside party requestor (i.e. whether or not the legitimate interest of the outside party seeking disclosure are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of the registrant)?
B. If not:
1. What framework(s) for disclosure could be used to address (i) issues involving abuse of domain name registrations, including but not limited to consumer protection, investigation of cybercrime, DNS abuse and intellectual property protection, (ii) addressing appropriate law enforcement needs, and (iii) provide access to registration data based on legitimate interests not outweighed by the fundamental rights of relevant data subjects?
The EPDP Team is expected to produce a work plan as one of its first deliverables. Once developed, it will be posted on the EPDP Team workspace: https://community.icann.org/x/2opHBQ.