- The Team seeks clarification on the exact expiry date of the Temporary Specification. In Section 3, the effective date of the Temporary Specification is 25 May 2018, but was adopted on 17 May 2018.
Per Section 3 of the Temporary Specification, the effective date of the Temporary Specification is 25 May 2018. Additionally, the ICANN Board resolution adopting the Temporary Specification states: “The Temporary Specification will be effective for a 90-day period beginning 25 May 2018. The Board will reaffirm its temporary adoption every 90 calendar days for a total period not to exceed one year.”
Temporary Specification Amendments
To see who have been appointed to the EPDP Team, please see https://community.icann.org/x/2opHBQ.
If I am not appointed as a member, does that mean I cannot be involved?
The EPDP Team is expected to produce a work plan as one of its first deliverables. Once developed, it will be posted on the EPDP Team workspace: https://community.icann.org/x/2opHBQ.