November-December 2014 Report
ICANN 52 in Singapore, APRALO Showcase - Due to change of ICANN 52 location to Singapore, APRALO members started the preparatory works for organizing APRALO showcase in February. During The overarching theme for Showcase in Singapore will be as usual APRALO Motto "APRALO - Celebrating Diversity". During November period APRALO ALSs were brainstorming on preparing the agenda, promotional items as takeaways. During November-December period APRALO members with the support of At-Large staff and Singapore local staff are working on the final list of items to be prepared for the Showcase, funding sponsors, catering, promotional stuff and special performances. The discussions on promotional items are posted here: APRALO Showcase Promotional Item Ideas. The draft agenda is posted here: APRALO SHOWCASE 2015 PROGRAM. Three sub-committees among APRALO leadership: poster tables preparation sub-committee, promotional items research sub-committee and entertainment and catering sub-committee. Leadership team meets on bi-weekly basis to provide updates and identify the next steps. The time and date of the Showcase are not determined yet.
2. CROPP program - APRALO members Satish Babu and Maureen Hilyard are working on the request to be submitted for participation at APRICOT 2015 in Japan.
APRALO members are finalizing the comments provided by ALSs for identifying the main priority areas for the region. The final document will be prepared and discussed during ICANN 51 in LA. - ATLAS II implementation: APRALO members are discussing 4 recommendations and next steps will be discussed and finalized during LA meeting. Below are 4 recommendations: See : Post ATLAS II Activities WORKSPACE28 - The ALAC should work with all RALOs and ALSes to map the current expertise and interests in their membership, to identify Subject Matter Experts and facilitate policy communication.29 - The ALAC should implement an automated system for tracking topics of interest currently being discussed among the various RALOs, and accessible by everyone.42 - ICANN should enable annual face-to-face RALO assemblies, either at ICANN regional offices or in concert with regional events.43 - RALOs should encourage their inactive ALS representatives to comply with ALAC minimum participation requirements.
3. Social Media Strategy
During September meeting Pavan Budhani, who is a member of Social Media Strategy WG presented the activities conducted within the framework of this WG. APRALO members were asked to provide him with the interesting meetings, activities, taking place in their region which worth to be shared with other communities. The news can be twitted, posted in Facebook and shared through ICANN social media tools.
4. At-Large Web Site Enhancements -
APRALO Vice Chair Ali Almeshal is preparing the final list of recommendation for At-Large Website enhancement. He will become a member of Technology Task Force WG and will share the AP input for further consideration.
Satish Babu did an exceptionally great work during his period serving in the NomCom 2014. It is normal procedure that NomCom appointees serve two consecutive years on the NomCom and therefore Satish Babu is considered and agreed to serve another year in NomCom as a representative from APRALO. Congratulations!!!
5. IGF in Istanbul- APRALO representation
APRALO GA will take place on Wednesday, at 11:00-13:00 local time in London. The main agenda will cover the selection/consensus of the following vacancies for APRALO Leadership Positions:
a) ALAC Representative to serve for 2 year term ending in November 2016
b) APRALO Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016
c) APRALO Vice Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016
d) The second Vice Chair to serve a 1 year term ending in October 2015 (in case if the current Acting Chair will be selected to serve the new term)
The clear outline for the positions and nominations had been sent to AP list. The call for consensus will be sent as well to keep the selection procedures in accordance with the newly adopted Rules of Procedure.
The final agenda for GA is in the process of finalization.
4. Metrics - At-Large Metrics Sub Committee
3. APRALO proposal for IGF 2014
IGF 2014 sub theme that this workshop fall under: IGF & The Future of the Internet Ecosystem
Description: The US Department of Commerce’ announcement of the planned transition of IANA oversight from the NTIA to ICANN heightens the significance of ICANN in the global Internet governance arena. ICANN’s At-Large Advisory Committee has represented the voice of Internet users in ICANN. With enhanced responsibility for ICANN with its new role, how will the voice of Internet users both be heard both within ICANN and within the larger Internet Governance arena.
4. APRALO General Assembly in London
1. MOU with APNIC and APTLD
During January-February 2014 the comments/additions had been done for both MOUs and the final MOUs are agreed and ready to be officially singed in Singapore (during APRALO Showcase on March 26, 2014).
Final MOU with APTLD - FINAL MoU between APRALO and APTLD.doc
2. February Spotlight - Internet NZ.
The meeting will take place on Monday, 24th, 2014, agenda is finalized: two main topics will be discussed:
Roundtable Topic 1: Privacy/Proxy Issues, Moderator: Holly Raiche, ALAC Member from APRALO
Speakers: James M. Bladel, Kathy Kleiman, Steven Metalitz
Roundtable Topic 2: Expert Working Group on WHOIS, Moderator: Carlton Samuels, Member of EWG
Speakers: Michele Neylon, Stephanie Perri
The ALAC Metrics committee has been consulting for several months with RALO Secretariats, Leaders and ALS members to gather views and opinions about how we might best measure the performance of ALAC members. This need is outlined in the ALAC Rules of Procedure. The Metrics committee has decided on a simple model of assessment, that looks at two types of metrics for ALAC members. One is a quantitative measure of their attendance of ALAC and Working Group meetings. The other is an expectation for the ALAC members to provide a monthly report which can be linked to their RALO workspace, about how they have contributed to the work of the ALAC. These evaluative models will be presented to the ALAC in Singapore where a new attendance metric will be trialled.
6. FY15 budget requests from RALOs
March 4, 2014 is set as a deadline for submission of special requests to be included in FY15 budget.
For more info see: At-Large FY15 Budget Development Workspace
7. Singapore Showcase
Total more than 6.000 USD was raised as sponsorship for APRALO Showcase in Singapore. Official invitations to speakers had been sent and some confirmations had been received. Staff is supporting with proper financial documentation with the support of Singapore local staff. The face-to-face meeting of Singapore Showcase OC is planned on March 22nd.
January 2014 Report
1. New ALSs in APRALO
Three new ALSs became the part of APRALO:
- (190) Internet Society Bangladesh Dhaka Chapter,
- (191) Internet Society Pakistan Islamabad Chapter,
- (192) Internet Society Japan Chapter
... on January 28 ICANN staff officially announced the names of the slate of candidates to fill Seat #15 of the ICANN Board - the official wiki page is here - The call on APRALO list to to whether APRALO members wish to suggest or add any names (out of submitted names, the list you can see below) to be included in the final slate of candidates or should someone's name petitioned for inclusion by the region, was raised and the appropriate e-mail had been sent to all APRALO members. The deadlines for submitting new names is Feb 11 later to be discussed and supported by two other RALOs (deadline Feb 21st).