- Roll Call - Staff (1 min)
- APNIC Representative Pablo Hinojosa: cooperation between APRALO and APNIC (5min)
- At-Large Website - Update- Steve Allison (5min)
- APRALO-APAC HUB Pilot Framework - AP Leadership team, Yu-Chuang Kuek, Kelvin Wong (20 min). Specific steps and action items to follow should be identified
- Metrics for ALAC, RALO Leadership and ALSes - Maureen Hilyard (5min)
- CROPP submission for 2015FY - Discussion of priority events for AP members participation - APRICOT and Other Suggestions - All (5 min)At-Large Web Site Enhancements - Suggestions to be Provided - Ali (5 min)
- Discussion of ATLAS II recommendations - All(15 min )
- AOB (5min)