I. APRALO Leadership changes:
1. During the APRALO November monthly held in Buenos Aires, on November 20, 2013, Holly Raiche stepped down as APRALO Chair. Siranush Varndanyan current APRALO Vice Chair, has taken on the role of acting chair of APRALO. APRALO Leadership will draft an election schedule to allow for formal elections and will send it to the APRALO mail list in due course.
2. Outgoing ALAC members from APRALO Rinalia Abdul Rahim and Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro and incoming new ALAC members from APRALO Maureen Hilyard and Rafid Fatani. Maureen Hilyard is also taking the role of ccNSO Liason from Cheryl Langdon-Orr, who being ALAC member also will be Chair of ICANN Nomination Committee for 2014.
the The MoU witt APNIC is drafted and shared with APRALO ALSs. The MOU is planned to be formally signed inSingapore. The discussion with APNIC on sponsoring APRALO Showcase inSingaporeare in the process. Holly Raiche is leading the process. The discussion to include RIPE NIC (to coverMiddle East) is also started. Raf Fatani is leading the process.
III. APRALO ROP Draft Charter
APRALO ROP Draft Charter has been developed. After BA meeting it will be sent to APRALO ALSs for comments, which will be open until December 20th, 2013, then updated in case if any comments are made and will be shared with other RALOs. Siranush Vardanyan is leading the process as appointed Liaison of this working group.
IV. Input for ALAC Metrics Working group
Maureen shared the information on ALAC Metrics Working Group with all RALOs and the call for comments will be sent to APRALO ALSs as well. Maureen Hilyard is coordinating the works on this WG.
V. November Spotlight
Siranush Vardanyan - presentation of the Armenian Association for the Disabled "Pyunic"
The Working Group on Singapore Showcase prep works had been established: members are Siranush Vardanyan, Emani Fakaotimanava-Liu, Ali Almeshal, Maureen Hilyard, Bekram Shtrestha and Pavan Budhrani. The works on organizing the showcase started in BA meeting and will be continued.
VII. Results of ATLAS II survey
97% of APRALO ALSs submitted their survey for ATLAS II, which will take place in London in June 2014
October 2013 Report
- Action items: Karaitiaana Taiuru will have presented his research on the use of indigenous domain names by December, and can then work with Pavan to develop a webinar on the topic.
- All who attended the Bali IGF can provide reports to Pavan, for distribution to APRALO.
September 2013 Report
- Spotlight: Karaitiana Taiuru (KT) talked about the New Zealand Maori Internet Society. New Zealandis a bi-cultural, bi-lingual society and the Maori Internet Society represents Maori users. It was formed in 1997 as a grass roots organisation, and became an ALS in 2006. Their current issues incude cyber safety issues, protecting users from viruses, on-line scams, etcand a lack of access to the Internet. Members interact using emails, Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Currently they are doing research on how indigenous names are being used, which KT will present the first week in November.