APRALO Monthly Meeting
3. APRALO Spotlight - Bahrain Internet Society - Ali AlMeshal - (10 min)
4. APRALO nominations for BCEC and BMSPC.- (5 mins)
See: BCEC Candidates
See: BMSPC Candidates
5. MoU with APNIC. See Holly’s update : (5 mins)
- Draft Final Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs - ALAC Voting
- Policy & Implementation Working Group - Alan Greenberg to draft a Statement
- Revised Public Interest Commitments Dispute Resolution Procedure (PICDRP) - Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Evan Leibovitch, and Carlton Samuels to draft a Statement
- Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2) Draft Report & Recommendations - ALAC considering drafting a Statement
- ccNSO FoI WG's Interim Report on "Revocation" - ALAC considering drafting a Statement