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a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:

  1. Trademark Clearinghouse and IDN Variants
  2. ALAC Statement to the Board Regarding Security and Stability Implications of New gTLDsProposed Final 2013 RAA
  3. FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget
  4. New gTLD Board Committee Consideration of GAC Safeguard Advice

b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC

  1. FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget – Tijani Ben Jemaa drafting a Statement
  2. New gTLD Board Committee Consideration of GAC Safeguard AdviceGNSO Structures Charter Amendment Process - Alan Greenberg to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  3. Proposed Renewal of .ORG gTLD Registry Agreement - Alan Greenberg and Olivier Crepin-Leblond to draft  to confirm if a Statement
  4. Proposed Final 2013 RAA – ALAC voting on the drafted Statement
  5. Questions to the Community on Accountability and Transparency within ICANN  – ALAC considering drafting a Statement
  6. Statement on WCIT Outcomes  – ALAC is necessary
  7. Consultation on the Source of Policies & User Instructions for Internet Number Resource Requests - Technical Issues Working Group to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  8. Thick Whois Initial Report – GNSO Policy Development Process - Alan Greenberg to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  9. Initial Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs - Evan Leibovitch to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  10. Implementation of IDN Variant Top Level Domains - ALAC voting
  11. Proposed Renewal of .INFO gTLD Registry Agreement - Alan Greenberg to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  12. Proposed Renewal of .BIZ gTLD Registry Agreement - Alan Greenberg to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  13. Statement on WCIT Outcomes - Unlicensed user drafting a Statement

c. Currently Open Public Comments 

 Whois Information Status Policy - No Statement 


  1. n/a

8. AOB. 

