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Adobe Connect Room:


Attendees: Cheryl Langdon-Orr,


Maureen Hilyard, Holly Raiche,


Pavan Budhrani, YJ Park, Jack Qiu, Edmon Chung



 Rinalia Abdul Rahim,Hong Xue,

Staff:  Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco, Heidi Ullrich


Transcript: APRALO Beijing Events OC Transcript 2012-12-12 


A G E N D A  


1.     Selection of APRALO Beijing General Assembly Organizing Committee Chair

2.     Discussion on FY13 budget allocation, requests and deliverables

See: APRALO Budget Request FY13 Outreach-APrIGF Version 1.doc

3.     Discussion on APRALO Beijing Event Activities

a.     APRALO Showcase Event

b.     APRALO Multistakeholder Policy Discussion/Roundtable

c.     APRALO General Assembly

d.      Capacity Building for ALSes

 i.     Fellowship program

 ii.     Newcomers Track (?)

   iii.     Other activities (?)

e. APRALO Networking Reception

4.    Establishing the APRALO Beijing Meeting Schedule

5. Discussion on Regional Inreach/Outreach Strategy

6.     Discussion on Sponsorships

7.     Discussion on Promotional Items

8.     Logistics

a.     Identification of ALS representatives

b.     Travel and visa facilitation

c.      Budget

d.     Implementation Schedule with roles, responsibility and timelines

9.      Any Other Business


1/  Status update on ALS invitations, travel, visa & Beijing hotel (Pavan & Staff)

2/  Committee updates/planning issues

  • Sponsorship & Promotion (CLO, Edmon, Jack)

  • Showcase/Reception (Edmon, Pavan, Maureen)

  • Capacity Building (Maureen, Sala,...?

  • General Assembly (Holly, YJ)

  • Local Engagement/Outreach (Jack, Hong, Edmon?)

  • Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable (Rinalia, Holly, Jack)

  • Youth Forum (Jack, Hong, Edmon)

3/  Discussion

  • Regional Inreach (ALS preparation/lead-up for Beijing) - once ideas have been discussed and clarified, add as one sub-component of Capacity Building

  • Regional Outreach - Outreach onsite in Beijing is addressed by promotions committee, but outreach in terms of lead-up needs to be discussed on the how and what and then a decision is needed on which committee takes it up as their work agenda.