3. Regional Policy Work (Charles, 10 min)
- New GNSO Policy Development Process:
- WHOIS Review Team
4. APRALO Showcase in Singapore (10 min)
- Follow up on the showcase eventExpanding Developing Economies Participation in the New gTLD Program (closes 29 July 2011)
- IANA Further Notice of Inquiry (FNOI)
- Report from Board-GAC Joint Working Group (closes 6 August 2011)
4. ICANN information needed for the APRALO Wiki ( Pavan and Seth)
5. Reports and updates (Charles, Pavan, 5 min)
- Chair's report and updates from the ALAC members and liaisons
(Cheryl, Edmon, Vivek, James)
- Announcement of new ALSes: NetMission Asia and Internet Society Kolkata
Chapter (Charles, 5 min)
66. Better strategy for outreach to ALS, new Vice Chair in charge
7. AOB (Charles, 5 min)