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Current status

APRALO Chairperson
For both interim term of 14 19 May 2011 through 30 June 2011 and official term of 01 July 2011 through 30 June 2013

This position was held by Prof. Hong Xue until 30 March 2011.  Since then, Vice-Chairpersons Fouad Bajwa and Charles Mok have taken on the Co-Chairperson responsibilities until a new Chairperson is seated.

APRALO Vice-Chairperson
For official term:  01 July 2011 through 30 June 2013

APRALO currently has two Vice-Chairpersons, Charles Mok and Fouad Bajwa. The election will be for the Vice-Chairperson position currently held by Charles Mok.

APRALO Secretariat 
For official term:  01 July 2011 through 30 June 2013

This position is currently held by ISOC Hong Kong.


6 May 2011 -- Deadline for nomination acceptances (nominees must accept nominations no later than seven days after the nomination period ends on 29 April 2011)

911-13 19 May 2011 -- Elections (elections begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline)

14 May 19 May 2011 -- New APRALO Chairperson seated (term: 14 May 2011 through 30 June 2013)
