- Presentation of APRALO in-reach and outreach suggestions based on the ALS survey (Fouad, Pavan)
- ^APRALO APRALO in-reach and outreach suggestions based on the ALS survey.pdf||\ (Produced by Pavan, Edited by Fouad)
- ^Inreach Inreach and Outrech Draft Recommendations Fouad Bajwa.pdf||\ (Ideas for consideration by Fouad)
- Background reference documents:
APRALO ALSes Survey Analysis Preliminary results.ppt\
Overall ALS Survey Analysis 2010.pdf\
- APRALO Outreach Presentation Material (Fouad)
- ^APRALO APRALO Outreach Beginners Introduction Ver 1 Beta.ppt||\^APRALO
- APRALO Outreach Beginners Introduction Ver 1 Beta.pdf||\
- ICANN Video that can be downloaded and played as an introduction to new audiences (shared by Heidi)