Date: Sunday, 10. November 2024
Web conference tool: Zoom
Zoom Room: TBC 24h prior to the session
Participants: ATTENDANCE: Please complete the Google form to confirm your attendance or send an apology.(link to be provided shortly)
Audio Recording, Zoom recordings, Transcriptions and Zoom chat will be available here:
Welcome and Opening of AGM 2024 - Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair (5 mins)
Presentation of the APRALO FY2024 Annual Report and Q&A - TBD (10 mins)
Testimonials - APRALO Community members (10 mins)
Adoption of Annual Report (deferred) - Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair (1 min)
Opportunities for Advocacy and Engagement for FY25 and beyond - TBD (30 mins)
Wrap-up and Next Steps - Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair (4 mins