08:40:25 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome to APRALO CIP-CCG WG Small Team Call taking place on Monday, 29 April 2024 at 06:00 UTC.
08:40:47 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/moCfEw
08:59:03 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
No worries thanks!
09:00:18 From gisella.gruber to Everyone:
Welcome to everyone and Happy Monday
09:00:38 From Phyo Thiri Lwin to Everyone:
Hi everyone!
09:00:41 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Welcome everyone
09:00:41 From Priyatosh Jana to Everyone:
hi everyone....
09:00:44 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Hello Everyone
09:00:47 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
G'day from AUs
09:00:52 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "Welcome everyone" with
09:00:58 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
09:00:58 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
Greetings from Nepal
09:01:18 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
We have all from the small team except people in apology
09:04:47 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Im in 2/3 part
09:04:57 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
I did
09:05:09 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
I just realized this document, to tell you the truth. Sorry
09:05:42 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
I got the chance to read till principle 3 which talks about efficiency of APRALO
09:05:56 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
sorry for asking: can you share the link?
09:06:15 From Phyo Thiri Lwin to Everyone:
09:06:36 From Ali AlMeshal to Everyone:
I will reconnect the voice is breaking I cannot hear
09:07:08 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
09:07:12 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
09:07:26 From Pranav Bhaskar Tiwari to Everyone:
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
09:07:32 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Replying to "specific, measurable..."
09:12:12 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
I have many dragons they do like ti get an airing from time to time ;-)
09:13:50 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "I have many dragons ..." with
09:14:01 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "I have many dragons ..." with
09:14:18 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Please feel free to share your comments on the document
09:17:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
no such thing as a wring question
09:18:06 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
09:20:07 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
09:20:15 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
y copy of the new ROPs
09:20:33 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
sorry, I was lost the internet. But I put already in the document.
09:25:11 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
I put a comment on that pranav
09:26:40 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
That point makes sense
09:28:19 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
yes that is defined as a role of ours bringing TO ICANN matters
09:29:41 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Principle 2 I believe APRALO is in pretty good stead... I like what I see here (pinning a point for future planning and activities however as Next Steps)
09:32:20 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
Agree with you Amrita.
09:32:54 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
As indicator, Do we need something like expected output v/s actual output?
09:34:02 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Yes things should be measurable to some extent
09:34:52 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Replying to "As indicator, Do we ..."
Indicators can even be 'blue sky' but if they are they are stated as such
09:34:59 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
Criteria 6: a bit too ideal. Because outcomes is a bit out of hand (many variables_, so perhaps we can change into: output has lead to achieve desired outcomes.
09:35:22 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
As per us
09:35:24 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
my connection is bad; better via text.
09:35:25 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Also need to state the When things are expected to be reviewed/measured
09:35:41 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Annual Bi or Tri-annual etc.,
09:36:20 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Replying to "Criteria 6: a bit to..."
This remind me of Theory of Change - somehow there is a process/ gap from Output to Outcome (as a stage)
09:36:47 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
criteria often drifts into indicators
09:36:49 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
Replying to "Criteria 6: a bit to..."
yes, perhaps this is my background; very development perspective.
09:37:03 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Reacted to "yes, perhaps this is..." with
09:37:43 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
09:38:14 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Need to balance the scope for future work execution
09:38:25 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
Reacted to "Need to balance the ..." with
09:38:32 From Adarsh BU to Everyone:
Reacted to "Need to balance the ..." with
09:41:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
This Small Team and that which worked on the new RoPs is also an example of operating within Principle 3
09:43:04 From Phyo Thiri Lwin to Everyone:
I feel like Criteria 3 and 9 is similar.
09:43:50 From Phyo Thiri Lwin to Everyone:
Maybe we can merge.
09:44:34 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Yes - you can agree/ not applicable to APRALO/ suggest modifications
09:47:10 From Phyo Thiri Lwin to Everyone:
That makes sense to me. Outputs to committee or WG as APRALO and working within APRALO. To see two different things..
09:48:20 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
and of course we are flying the plane while we are rebuilding it as well ;-)
09:48:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
time binding if not time line is desirable in the indicators
09:55:52 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Not yet
09:55:57 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Just scroll to Principle 5
09:56:28 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
I will read role of procedures-Home work and will come back with my comments
09:57:02 From Pranav Bhaskar Tiwari to Everyone:
Weekly call is fine, with me.
09:57:08 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Week call
09:57:22 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Either work
09:57:30 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
Either works for me too
09:57:40 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
so currently we make a comment/ suggestions to the document.
09:57:45 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
09:58:01 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
yes, please, thank you
09:58:28 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
09:58:52 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Replying to "so currently we make..."
Yes use SIggest Mode
09:58:56 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Replying to "so currently we make..."
09:59:08 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
10:01:09 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
Thank you all.
10:01:12 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
10:01:20 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
Thank you all
10:01:22 From Ali AlMeshal to Everyone:
bye all
10:01:26 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Thanks a lot
10:01:26 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
Bye all
10:01:34 From Adarsh BU to Everyone:
Thank you all.
10:02:10 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Others can drop off
10:02:17 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Thanks for joining in
10:02:21 From Phyo Thiri Lwin to Everyone:
Thanks and Bye everyone!!
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