- Preparations have begun for the APRALO meeting in Morocco and also the ATLAS III SummitSummit. If there is any input from the APRALO community, please contact the leadership team regarding these.
- There are 2 Internet Governance Institutes from Nepal and China who are currently going through due diligence and we can expect them to be part of APRALO soon.
- Maureen mentioned there was a lot of work going on with the ARIWG and more to come in the coming months. Any input from the APRALO community would be greatly appreciated.
- Regarding the report by the ARIWG [docs.google.com], Cheryl recommends it to be distributed to all the ALS’es and all can have a good read of it.
- APRALO may consider having the General Assembly in 2022 during the regional IGF. More details on this will be given out later.
- Lianna would update the APRALO on the Central Asia IGF.
- Prateek from ISOC India Mumbai was the ALS who had his chance to speak this time. They are a new ALS on board and he gave a brief rundown of his membership criteria, what activities they have coming up and how they can work with other ALS’es in the region.