Under the AFRALO Rules of Procedure 2014* I confirm that: YES or NO |
- I am not a member of a certified At-Large Structure (ALS)
- I am subscribed to the APRALO emailing list
- I am a permanent resident of a country within the APRALO region
- If I hold a leadership position in another Supporting Organization (SO) or Advisory Committee (AC), I am aware that I am not eligible for a leadership position in APRALO
- I am aware that I do not automatically qualify for any funding for travel or other expenses from ICANN or APRALO
- I am aware that upon ceasing to meet any of the above criteria, my unaffiliated membership will be terminated
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STATEMENT OF INTEREST: I acknowledge that I will complete the SOI upon acceptance (please check box):
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Current or prior experience in representing the interests of Internet consumers or end-users, if applicable please include reference to any social media, blogs, web pages you may have or run: |
Potential interest areas within APRALO, ATAt-LARGE Large or ICANN (Please select from the list below): Instruction to web team : put the list below into a pop-up window for those interested AccessibilityAccountabilityccTLD PolicyCommunity NetworksConsumer ProtectionContract Party AgreementsData ProtectionDevelopmentDNS- Accessibility
- Accountability
- ccTLD Policy
- Community Networks
- Consumer Protection
- Contract Party Agreements
- Data Protection
- Development
- E-commerce, E payments
- ICANN Board/Bylaws/structures
- Internationalized Domain Names and Universal Acceptance