September 2015 Report
At-Large Policy Development Page - This page provides you updates on current statements, which are open for comments and we encourage APRALO ALSs to actively participate in the discussions - comment, becoming a pen holder for writing the statement, etc. You don't need to be an ALAC member to participate in the discussions, as a certified ALS you are welcome to make your voice heard.
- APRALO outreach calendar - this calendar had been created as a result of the work of ALAC Outreach and ENgagement subcommittee and helps us to be updated on the activities your ALSs are implementing. As the discussions showed, many ALSs are doing great job and we are not aware of this. Thus, this calendar will help us first to learn about your activities, your involvement and second to inform others about outreach activities, conducted in your respective countries, as well as to identify the events, where other ALSs may participate and share their experience. The more cross posting, the more spreading the word!!! The calendar is available here: http://teamup.com/ks8f4dd46342679eea/. If you have challenges to post your events, please, send your updates to me at siranush_vardanyan@hotmail.com
- First National IGF In Armenia - On September 7-8 the first National IGF in Armenia took place with active participation of APRALO members and ICANN representatives. CROPP report will be available soon. See the updates, provided by ISOC Armenia Board member, Lianna Galstyan here:
View file name ArmIGF_APRALO PPt.pptx height 250 - The upcoming webinar within the framework of APAC HUB and APRALO partnership - On September 29, at 05:00-06:00UTC the forth webinar will take place on New gLTD program/ccTLDs, run by APAC HUB. Please, mark your calendars for that day. The link to the webinar can be found here: New gTLD program / ccTLDs Webinar 2015-09-29
August 2015 Report
APRALO Outreach strategy - APRALO Strategy had been approved during ALAC Outreach and Engagement Sub Committee on August 3, 2015. RALOs' strategy wiki space is here: APRALO Outreach Strategic Plan.The APRALO strategy is available here: APRALO strategy FY2016.docx. This is a living document and can be updated/added during the course of the year.
- At-Large Captioning Pilot to create criteria 2015-08-19 - APRALO joined the new initiative on captioning pilot project. The pilot phase approved by ICANN board is October-December 2015. The initiative is led by NARALO and APRALO and AFRALO are involved in pilot phase. Currently the criteria for the pilot phase are being discussed. It was suggested that one of the webinars within the framework of APRALO-APAC HUB partnership to be implemented in November or December 2015 will be captioned. Staff with work with APAC HUB to conduct test prior to the webinar for captioning possibilities
- CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability - During the August call CCWD Accountability 2nd draft presentation was conducted for AP community - the presentation slides are available here: XPL_CCWG Proposal_Visual Summary_FINAL.pdf
- New ALS Welcome Webinars - On August 12 the webinar for newly joined ALSs had been conducted. APRALO has 4 new ALSs joined recently. The presentations conducted by ALAC Chair and new ALSs, as well as recording and transcript of the meeting are available here: Formal webinar for new ALSes with RALO leaders and the ALAC Chair 2015-08-12. APRALO presentation, conducted by APRALO Vice Chair Ali AlMeshal is available here: APRALO presentation.ppt
APRALO Outreach strategy - APRALO Leadership team started to work on the new outreach strategy for FY16 after ICANN 53. The new strategy includes several activities planned within APRALO during FY16. APRALO welcomes the opportunities that CROPP funding allows to expand the understanding of and participation in ICANN activities by Internet users in the Asia and Pacific region. Specifically, through CROPP funding, as well as finding from additional, regional funding bodies, APRALO members will be able to participate in regional events and explain ICANN’s structure and activities, and how Internet organizations’ can participate in the development of ICANN policies and activities. As well as APRALO appreciate the partnership with APNIC and APTLD and several local opportunities for the implementation of FY16 strategy. The strategy received positive feedback from the APRALO members in Outreach Sub Committee, as well as from regional VP and stuff. The strategy is available here: APRALO strategy FY2016.docx.
Individual membership in APRALO - APRALO LT started the discussions related accreditation/admission procedures for Individual members. The best practices used in EURALO and NARALO are the basis for further discussions. The topic also will be discussed during July-September period to have the planned approach to be presented at ICANN 54. The wiki space will be created and the small Task Force team will be established to continue the discussions, started during ICANN 53. The direct link to the wiki space is here: https://community.icann.org/display/APRALO/APRALO+Rules+of+Procedures+Review+2015-+Individual+membership. We encourage APRALO ALSs to provide comments/suggestions on this topic.
- APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - Within the framework for this cooperation APRALO and the ICANN APAC Hub are organizing a webinar “Basic DNS and DNS Ecosystem Webinar", taking place on 30 July 2015 at 05:00 UTC.
Invited Speaker is Steve Sheng - Director, SSAC & RSSAC Advisory Development Support, Policy Development. The draft agenda (to be updated) and call details are available at: https://community.icann.org/x/W4BCAw. ADIGO dial-in numbers: https://adigo.com/icann/. Adobe Connect (with two-way audio in English): http://icann.adobeconnect.com/apralo. If you require a dial-out please contact At-Large staff at staff@atlarge.icann.org with your preferred number.
June 2015 Report
APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - During June monthly meeting, which took place during ICANN 53 meeting, Yu-Chuang Kuek, VP and Managing Director - APAC HUB, provided updates on the implemented activities and the works related to the upcoming webinar to be organized in July (topic is New gTLD program).
One of the main issues discussed during the monthly meeting was how to encourage the current ALSs for broader participation in ICANN and APRALO activities. During previous months APRALO leadership team conducted a survey and based on the survey results several activities now are in place to provide relevant information to ALS representatives, especially the newcomers.
- During the June monthly meeting APRALO invited as a quest speaker Patrik Fältström, Chair of the Security and Stability Advisory Committee, ICANN, to provide the information about DNSSEC, current development and challenges.
- APRALO Outreach strategy - APRALO Leadership team started to work on the new outreach strategy for FY16, which is a new requirement for CROPP program. The strategy will be presented to CROPP in July before submission to any CROPP application for funding.
- 2015 APRALO Selections and Appointments - As a result of consensus call it was officially announced that Maureen Hilyard as ALAC member from APRALO, Satish Babu as APRALO Vice Chair and Pavan Budhani as secretariat will continue to serve another term. The details and the results are provided in the link.
4. APRALO Delegate for NomCom election is in the process. APRALO has two candidates - Gunela Astbrink from Australia and Amir Qayuum from Pakistan. In May APRALO held an official voting process.
Number of voters: 26 · Group size: 40 · Percentage voted: 65.00
Ranked by votes
Rank | Candidates | Votes | % |
1 | Amir Qayyum | 14 | 53.85 |
2 | Gunela Astbrink | 9 | 34.62 |
3 | Abstain | 3 | 11.54 |
APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - Within the framework of APRALO collaboration with APAC Hub the series of webinars for APRALO members started with the first webinar, conducted on April 9, 2015. The topic was What are IDNs and what does it mean to you. The agenda of the webinar is posted in March report space. Transcription of the first webinar is available at: IDNs Webinar 2015-04-09.
All recording and transcripts of webinars will be provided after each webinar. At-Large staff will work on this in collaboration with APAC hub and ICANN's translation-request teams.
During the period starting from April 2015 till December 2015 one webinar per month will be organized: The topics of the planned webinars are posted at 2015 APRALO Capacity Building Webinar Series, under Focus Ares 2: Leveraging APAC for Capacity & Capacity Building
For your reference and for those who were unable to attend, the webinar recording, audio recording, transcription and presentation slides are available at the following link: https://community.icann.org/x/FyEnAw
Questions or comments can be sent to ICANN At-Large Staff at staff@atlarge.icann.org and we would appreciate your feedback via a simple online survey (click here) to help us better plan for the future webinars.
We would also like to have your feedback/suggestions on what other topics you would like us to cover for our future Webinars. If you have any suggestions, please write to us at staff@atlarge.icann.org
In addition, this page is the one-stop-shop for all APrALO-APAC Hub Capacity Building Webinar Series: https://community.icann.org/x/NA8nAw. Please bookmark this page to follow the development of future webinars and gain Access to their recordings, transcription and presentation slides.
3. APRALO Outreach Strategy
APRALO Outreach Strategy For the coming 12 months, APRALO will divide the Asia Pacific region into 5 main parts. East, West, North, South and Australasia. One representative, either from an ALS or an APRALO executive will take the lead for each region with Pavan, our Secretariat taking the lead on the overall flow of the project. The project will involve looking at the number of countries we have in each region and how many ALS’es there are in that region. Then we will start the outreach in the various regions with the help of current ALS’es and other organizations using our contacts. These could be ISOC Chapters, Universities and so on. Our overall goal is to make sure APRALO has a well balanced representation and we cover every part of the region.
March 2015 Report
APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - Within the framework of APRALO collaboration with APAC Hub the series of webinars for APRALO members will be organized. The first webinar will be organized on 9 April 2015. Time: 11:00 – 12:00 Singapore Time / 03:00 – 04:00 UTC
Topic: What are IDNs and what does it mean to you? In collaboration with the APRALO Capacity Building Webinar Series
Agenda: Do you know that characters used in top-level domains (TLDs) extend beyond ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) including other scripts such as Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Japanese and others? To determine valid TLD labels in these scripts and their variants, however, community input is very important. Join us to find out more about IDNs at our webinar session and learn how you can play a part! The proposed agenda is as follows:
- Introduction to Mr. Sarmad Hussain, IDN Program Senior Manager at ICANN
- What are Internationalized Domain Names?
- What does it mean to you?
- IDN Work at ICANN
- Sharing by APRALO representative: IDN from the Label Generation Ruleset (LGR) panel perspective (TBC)
- Why and how you can be involved
- Q&A* Kindly note that Universal Acceptance of IDNs will not be a focus topic at this introductory presentation.
Questions: Please submit questions in advance to help us better tailor the webinar to the needs of the APAC region. Send your questions and RSVP to apachub@icann.org by 3 April. We look forward to your active participation.Feel free to share with your friends and colleagues in your community as well.Adobe Connect: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/apacmtgrm
2. APRALO Professional Expertise Survey - This survey is get to know more about our AT-Large Structures (ALSes) and their members. We realise that there is a lot of untapped potential among our ALS members and we need to find out more about you and how you might be able to more appropriately contribute to the work we do in APRALO and in ALAC. With ICANN becoming more focused on its ACCOUNTABILITY, there is an expectation that each of its sections will look at how well it is contributing to the work of the wider ICANN community. Therefore, measuring and metrics are becoming the norm and our members must be seen to be playing their part within the system in order to retain their membership. The objective of the Survey is also to determine the areas of professional expertise of RALO members as required by ATLAS II Recommendation 28: " The ALAC should work with all RALOs and ALSes to map the current expertise and interests in their membership, to identify Subject Matter Experts and facilitate policy communication". - https://community.icann.org/display/als2/Post-ATLAS+II+Activities+Workspace