APRALO Showcase and Reception- Singapore
Transcript: EN
AC Chat Transcript: EN
Remote Participation:
Leads: SV/GG/AL
Agenda: Theme: Celebrating Diversity
- Welcome- Background music - (18:30-18: 40) Arrival of Delegates and Invited Guests.
- Welcome and Introductions - Siranush Vardanyan, Chair of APRALO, (18:40-18:42)
- Acknowledgement of volunteers and sponsors (naming), thanking School troupe from Malaysia
- Opening Words Comments - Address from the ICANN President and CEO, Fadi Chehadé by the Rinalia Abdul Rahim, APRALO's member and Board member selected by ALAC/At-Large (18:42-18:47) - "Thank you" certificate to School troupe
- Speaker 1: Address from by Steve Crocker, ICANN Board Chair (18:47-18: 50)
- Speaker 2: Address from by Alan Greenberg, Chair of the ALAC (18:50 - 18:52 )
- MOU Signing with DotAsia - Official Signing Ceremony - Siranush Vardanyan, Chair of APRALO and Edmon Chung, CEO DotAsia (18:52-19:00)
- Wrap-up Introduction of Dance Troupe - Siranush Vardanyan, Chair of APRALO (19:00-19:01) - Introducing school troupe from Malaysia and Inviting inviting all to the reception
- Closing Folklore performance Dikir Barat troup (19:01-19:20) - The performance will provide insight on "Wave of English" as a tool in improving English language proficiency
- Fadi Chehadé, ICANN President and CEO , Closing Comments and recognition of the Dance Troupe (19:30-19:40)
- Reception - All - (19:20 40 -21:00) Networking and enjoying the food, drinks and Calligraphy Demonstration