- Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)
- Welcome & Chair updates (Chair) (10 minutes)
- Continued Discussion of Working Proposal (70 minutes)
- Next steps & closing (5 minutes)
- Next meeting 09 August 2021 @ 15:00 UTC
Action Items: - Brian to add his proposed redlines to the Google doc - COMPLETE - Note, staff created the next version in a new google doc, link provided above. The old version has been closed.
- Staff to prepare next draft of working proposal - IN PROGRESS - Staff awaits Brian's action to be completed.
- Staff to update flowchart - COMPLETE; Updated chart added to google doc, and also attached here.
- Brian to propose edits Rec #2 regarding selection of law for arbitration - IN PROGRESS
IGO WORK TRACK PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS.docx.pdf IGO Work Track Process Flow_29Jul2021.pdf |