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For other times: AGENDA: 

The proposed agenda for the next Working Group call, scheduled for Thursday 20 October at 1700 UTC, is as follows:


  1. Roll call/updates to Statements of Interest
  2. Continue discussion of IGO small group proposal (please see further notes below)
  3. Review likely preliminary recommendations in light of discussion of Agenda Item #2
  4. Planning for ICANN57 open Working Group meeting
  5. Next steps


For Agenda Item #2, you may recall that staff created a Google Doc of the small group proposal at the Working Group’s request. As the intention was for members to provide comments (preferably in the document, prior to the call) that would facilitate a “line by line” discussion of the proposal, we are recirculating the document in case you wish to insert comments at this time. Please make any comments in the document before 1400 UTC tomorrow if at all possible, to allow others to review your notes:[] (our Working Group focus will be primarily on Proposal #2 and Proposal #3 in the document).



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