The IGOs whose names and acronyms were searched for represent a sampling of IGOs across different sectors and geographies. They were selected from the GAC List (provided to ICANN) and are all organizations who have also submitted the requisite Article 6ter notifications for protection under the Paris Convention.
(NOTE: For the United Nations, protection seems to be limited to its name and not acronym; for UNICEF, protection seems to be for its acronym rather than its name.)
The national trademark databases were selected based on original research performed by ICANN's General Counsel for the prior IGO-INGO PDP Working Group, which indicated that of the jurisdictions it had surveyed, several did protect IGOs (notified pursuant to Article 6ter of the Paris Convention) via some specific mechanism in their national laws, such as assigning these IGO names and acronyms to specific serial numbers that would ensure that they will show up in a trademark search by third parties.