Day 1 "Overview on Internet Governance"
- Intro to APIGA (Kelvin WongWONG/ICANN) Presentation material
- History of Internet Governance (Edmon CHUNG/DotASIA)
- Internet's Global Ecosystem (Jia-Rong LowLOW/ICANN, Noelle Francesca de Guzman/ISOCLeonid TODOROV/APTLD, Pablo HinojosaHINOHOSA/APNIC, Leonid Todorov/APTLDNoelle Francesca de GUZMAN/ISOC) Presentation material
- ICANN Overview Overview (Kelvin WONG/ICANN) Presentation material
- Orientation on ICANN Mock Conference Conference (NetMISSION) Presentation material Topic 1 Topic 2 3
Day 2 "Fundamentals of the Internet; Internet Security"
- Information Security Trends and Response Strategy of Korea (Thomas KIM/KISA) Presentation material
- Addressing Networks. A Cardgame (Pablo HINOJOSA/APNIC) Presentation material
- Multistakeholder Policy Making (Kelvin WONG/ICANN, Satish BABU/APRALO, GUO Feng/0000, Leonid TODOROV/APTLD, Pablo HINOJOSA/APNIC, Jia-Rong LOW/ICANN, Edmon CHUNG/DotASIA, Rohan 0000/Mentor, Dojung HO/Mentor) Presentation material 1 2
- IPv6, Internet Infrastructure Security (Pablo HINOJOSA/APNIC) Presentation material 1 2
- Domain Name System(DNS) & DNS Security (Jia-Rong LOW/ICANN) Presentation material
Day 3 "Current State of Play in Asia Pacific"