- Notwithstanding the fact that ICANN’s meetings are open and that everyone is welcome, the barriers to entry for newcomers to engage with ICANN and participate at ICANN meetings are high in terms of gaining access to and readily digesting massive amounts of information, as well as cultural differences. The ICANN team is asked to help to facilitate and encourage participation and commitment by our community to engage in ICANN.
- It is noted that business, non-financial and non-commercial stakeholders are current under-represented. ICANN’s Accountability and Transparency Review Team 2 (ATRT2) recently came up with concrete recommendations to address this.
- On representations by the Telco industry at ICANN, given limitations on the number of people who can ‘come to the table’ at ICANN discussions, a participant suggested that a possible area to explore is to work with the community to develop ‘sub-community’ meetings. In this regard, a handful of representatives of the Telco industry can participate in the main meetings, and thereafter, these representatives can inform their sub-communities on the status.
- On language/geographical differences and needs, it is noted that not all stakeholders are represented.
- It is noted that in the region, most of our materials are in English, and we will need to work together as a community to galvanize other members of our community to participate in ICANN.
- The presentation slides are available for you to download and translate into your own languages, and for you to represent ICANN in communicating them.
- Lead in APAC to show how to access them.