On 13 September 2019, the NomCom Review Implementation Working Group (NomCom RIWG) submitted to the OEC its Detailed Implementation Plan, for consideration by the ICANN Board, in accordance with the approved ICANN Board resolution on 14 March 2019.
On 7 November 2019, the ICANN Board accepted the NomCom Review Detailed Implementation Plan and directed the NomCom Review Implementation Working Group to commence implementation, in accordance with the Detailed Implementation Plan and to provide updates to the Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the ICANN Board (OEC) through six-monthly written implementation reports on progress.
Detailed Implementation Plan
Date | Version | Type |
| v3.2 | OEC Redline (final) |
| v3.1 | OEC Redline |
| v3.0 | FInal |
| v2.2 | Draft (Recs 1-27) |
| v2.1 | Draft (Recs 1-22) |
| Draft (Recs 1-12) | |
| v1.9 | Draft |
| v1.8 | Draft |
| v1.7 | Draft |
| v1.6 | Draft |
| v1.5 | Draft |
| v1.4 | Draft |
| v1.3 | Draft |
| v1.2 | Draft |
| v1.1 | Draft |
| v1.0 | Strawman |