This page contains links related to the following:
- First IANA Naming Function Review)
- Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
- Public Technical Identifiers (PTI)
- Customer Standing Committee (CSC)
IFR2 Team members are encouraged to explore the links as there is a wealth of information contained on each of the sites. This wiki page is not a comprehensive resource but is intended to serve as a starting point. Briefings on specific topics can also be provided to the team.
First IFR
- Final Report: Review Team Written Documents: (ex. Final Report)
IANA (see
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for coordinating some of the key elements that keep the Internet running smoothly. Whilst the Internet is renowned for being a worldwide network free from central coordination, there is a technical need for some key parts of the Internet to be globally coordinated, and this coordination role is undertaken by IANA.
Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) is responsible for the operational aspects of coordinating the Internet’s unique identifiers and maintaining the trust of the community to provide these services in an unbiased, responsible and effective manner. Mainly, PTI is responsible for the operation of the IANA functions. PTI was incorporated in August 2016 as an affiliate of ICANN, and, through contracts and subcontracts with ICANN, began performing the IANA functions on behalf of ICANN in October 2016.
Quick Links
- IANA Naming Function Contract and other agreements:
- Financial and Planning Information:
The Customer Standing Committee (CSC) ensures the satisfactory performance of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) naming function. The CSC is responsible for monitoring Public Technical Identifier’s (PTI) performance of the IANA naming function against the service level expectations in the IANA Naming Function Contract. The CSC analyzes performance reports provided by PTI and publishes its findings. The CSC is authorized to undertake remedial action to address poor performance of the IANA naming function, and if performance issues are not remedied, may escalate the issues to the ccNSO and GNSO. The CSC was established in accordance with Article 17.3 (b) of the ICANN Bylaws and conducted its first meeting on 6 October 2016.
Quick Links
- PTI Naming Performance Reports delivered to the CSC:
- CSC Monthly Reports on PTI Performance:
- Remedial Action Procedures (developed and adopted by CSC and PTI):
- Process for Amending the IANA Naming Service Level Agreements (developed and agreed to by the CSC, ICANN and PTI:
- March 2023 CSC Effectiveness Review Final Report:
- CSC overview slide deck: