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Please find below the proposed agenda
Documents: Proposed Agenda – new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team Meeting – 10 August 2016
- Roll Call & Welcome
- Review timeline and discuss approach proposed by Sylvia to move forward (see timeline attached)
- Continue review of comments on draft charter (see latest version of comment review tool attached))
- Confirm time / date of next meeting
ACTION: Staff to try and clarify the meeting of Comment 8 from Helsinki meeting, does this mean not funding projects which fund competition in the market place then this is valid?
ACTION: Sylvia to circulate language which had been removed specifically prior to Helsinki meeting
ACTION: (i) DT to finalise Mandatory and enhanced statements of interest language and then board members seek input from board group, (ii) DT to determine content of mandatory SoI and criteria for inclusion/exclusion from CCWG and (iii) Deal with mission and conflict of interest issues as a whole rather than separately.
Documents: Draft Timeline new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team and Comment Review Tool- Post ICANN56 - 29 July 2016
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