- Category: (replace this text with one of the following categories: Administration/Budget, Board, ccTLD, gTLD, IP, ICANN Structure, International Agreement, Root Zone)
- Topic: Authorization of Insurance Binder (replace this text with a keywords from title)
- Board meeting date: 8 November 2005
- Resolution number: 05.92
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-08nov05.htm
- Status: (replace this text with: Completed, Ongoing, Suspended)
Authorized President to execute professional liability insurance binder within specified parameters.Text
(replace this text with the a one-sentence summary of the resolution)
John Jeffrey presented information regarding the current insurance coverage and the requirement that ICANN??s Board authorize the proposed binder for professional liability insurance as the amount of the binder requires formal board approval. There were questions by a number of Board Members including Vint Cerf, Michael Palage and Peter Dengate Thrush. A resolution on this matter was offered by Hagen Hultzsch and seconded by Thomas Niles:
Resolved (05.92) the President is authorized to execute the professional liability insurance binder in an amount not to exceed US$150,000.
The board approved the resolution 13-0 by a voice vote with all Board Members present on the call voting in favor. In addition to Hualin Qian, Demi Getschko was not online at the time of the vote.
Implementation Actions
- NoneĀ
- Responsible entity: None
- Due date: None provided
- Completion date: None
Other Related Resolutions
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items addressed therein.
- (replace this text with specific Action Item)
- Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
- Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
- Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented)
- (replace this text with specific Action Item)
- Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
- Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
- Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented)
Other Related Resolutions
- (replace this text with links to related resolutions)
Additional Information
- (replace this text with any additional notes related to this resolution, i.e. funding considerations)