- Category: gTLD
- Topic: Amendment Amendments to .NET Registry Agreementregistry agreement
- Board meeting date: 12 October 2005
- Resolution number: 05.76
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-12oct05.htm
- Status: Completed
Board authorizes Authorizes amendment of .NET registry agreement to implement changes to RRA and fee provisions.
Kurt Pritz and John Jeffrey discussed outlined the public process and the proposed amendment to the .Net Registry Agreement. There was wide participation by the Board and questioning regarding the proposed changes to the .NET Registry Agreement. Following this discussion, Tom Niles moved for the following resolution to be considered and Alejandro Pisanty seconded:
Whereas, ICANN and VeriSign have entered an agreement concerning the operation of the .NET registry effective 1 July 2005.
Whereas, these discussions have led to a proposed agreement between VeriSign and ICANN to amend the .NET Registry Agreement, as posted on the ICANN website for public comment on 22 September 2005.
Resolved (05.76) the Board authorizes the President and the General Counsel to enter the proposed amendment to the .NET Registry Agreement, and to take such actions as appropriate to implement the agreement as amended.
Implementation Actions
- Amend and implement .NET registry agreement.
- Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
- Due date: None provided
- Completion date: 12 October 2005
Other Related Resolutions
- Selection of VeriSign proposal in response to .NET RFP, and approval and implementation of proposed registry agreement, available at: [http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-07jun05.htmhttp://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-07jun05.htm|http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-07jun05.htm].
- Other resolutions TBD.
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information..
The board approved the above resolution by a vote of 10 affirmative votes, 1 negative vote and 2 abstentions.
Board Members casting affirmative votes were Vint Cerf, Mouhamet Diop, Demi Getschko, Joichi Ito, Veni Markovski, Thomas Niles, Alejandro Pisanty, Hualin Qian, Vanda Scartezini, and Paul Twomey.
A single negative vote was cast by Michael Palage.
Raimundo Beca and Peter Dengate Thrush abstained from voting.
Hagen Hultzsch and Njeri Rionge were not present for the vote.
Implementation Actions
- (replace this text with specific Action Item)
- Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
- Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
- Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented)
- (replace this text with specific Action Item)
- Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
- Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
- Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented)
Other Related Resolutions
- (replace this text with links to related resolutions)
Additional Information
- (replace this text with any additional notes related to this resolution, i.e. funding considerations)