- Category: ccTLD, International Agreement
- Topic: ccTLD Agreement with auDA
- Board meeting date: 10 September 2001
- Resolution number: 01.87, 01.88
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-10sep01.htm
- Status: Completed
ICANN's President is authorized Board authorizes the President to enter into , on behalf of ICANN, the ccTLD Sponsorship Agreement for .au as posted on the ICANN website, along with any minor corrections or adjustments as appropriatebehalf of ICANN.
Whereas, on 10 March 2000, in resolution 00.13, the Board authorized the President and staff to work with the ccTLD managers, Governmental Advisory Committee, and other interested parties to prepare draft language for ccTLD contracts, policy statements, and/or communications, including appropriate funding arrangements, to be presented to the Board and posted for public comment as soon as practicable;
Implementation Actions
- Enter into the .au agreement ccTLD Sponsorship Agreement.
- Responsible entity: ICANN President supported by the Legal Department
- Due date: None provided
- Completion date: 25 October 2001
- 13 March 2001 Resolution 01.37 at , available at: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-13mar01.htm.
Additional Information
- No additional funding providedThe Agreement contains funding considerations.
- The .au ccTLD Sponsorship Agreement is atavailable at: http://www.icann.org/en/cctlds/au/.
- A full list of ccTLD agreements is atavailable at: http://www.icann.org/en/cctlds/agreements.html.
- ccTLD financial contributions are invoiced annually.