- Continue to draft ICANN-ccTLD agreements
- Responsible entity: ICANN Management
- Due date: None specifiedprovided
- Completion date: Ongoing
Other Related Resolutions
- 10 March 2000 Resolution 00.13 at httphttps://wwwwiki.icann.org/endisplay/minutes/minutes-10mar00.htmtap/2000-03-10+-+ccTLD+ADMINISTRATION+AND+DELEGATION+POLICIES.
- 25 September 2000 Resolution 00.75 at httphttps://wwwwiki.icann.org/endisplay/minutes/minutes-25sep00.htmtap/2000-09-25+-+Delegation+of+ccTLDs.
- 10 September 2001 Resolutions 01.87 and 01.88 at httphttps://wwwwiki.icann.org/endisplay/minutes/minutes-10sep01.htm.tap/2001-09-10+-+ccTLD+Agreement+with+auDA.
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified herein.
- All ccTLD Agreements are available at Negotiators for the .au Domain Administration Limited and ICANN reached the .au ccTLD Sponsorship Agreement on 25 October 2001. http://www.icann.org/en/cctlds/agreements.html. In 2006, ICANN and interested ccTLD managers began entering into Exchanges of Letters and Accountability Frameworks, which are also available at that pageau/.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.