URS Question #9 9a. Are penalties for Complainant or Respondent who abuses the URS process sufficient? 9b. If not, should they be expanded? 9c. If they should be expanded, how?
Per Section 11.4 and 11.5 of the URS Procedure, the penalties for abusive complaints are: - 11.4 In the event a party is deemed to have filed two (2) abusive Complaints, or one (1) “deliberate material falsehood,” that party shall be barred from utilizing the URS for one-year following the date of issuance of a Determination finding a complainant to have: (i) filed its second abusive complaint; or (ii) filed a deliberate material falsehood.
- 11.5 Two findings of “deliberate material falsehood” shall permanently bar the Complainant from utilizing the URS.