2. Changes to GNSO Operating Procedures & Working Group Guidelines to Address Issues relating to Waiver of Motion Deadlines, GNSO Council Voting Outside a Council Meeting & Working Group Consensus Levels
Made by: Avri Doria
Seconded by: Gabriela Szlak
- The GNSO Council has determined that:
- the current GNSO Operating Procedures do not contain a specific provision on waiving the deadline to submit a motion for voting by the GNSO Council;
- the current GNSO Operating Procedures also do not contain a specific provision that permits the Council to vote outside a meeting; and
- the language relating to Consensus Levels in the current GNSO Working Group Guidelines, which form Annex I of the GNSO Operating Procedures, may require further clarification.
- The GNSO Council requested the Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation (SCI) to consider:
- whether there should be a modification to the GNSO Council Operating Procedures to address the issues of waiving the deadline for submission of a motion and allowing the Council to vote outside a meeting; and
- whether the language relating to Consensus Levels in the GNSO Working Group Guidelines requires clarification.
- The SCI developed language to be inserted in Section 3.3 (Notice of Meetings) of the GNSO Operating Procedures that provide for a waiver of the prescribed deadline for the submission of a motion for voting by the GNSO Council in certain circumstances provided certain specified criteria are met.
- In addition, the SCI developed procedures to be added as a new Section 4.10 (Voting Outside A Meeting) to the GNSO Operating Procedures that provide for the GNSO Council to be able to vote outside a meeting in certain circumstances provided certain specified criteria are met.
- The SCI also developed clarifying language in the form of a footnote be added to the Consensus Levels definitions in the GNSO Working Group Guidelines, pending a fuller review of all the GNSO Working Group Guidelines, which the SCI also recommends.
- The revised GNSO Operating Procedures, including the proposed additions to the Working Group Guidelines, were put out for public comment for a period of a minimum of 21 days beginning on 17 September 2014 and ending on 08 October 2014 (see https://www.icann.org/public-comments/gnso-op-procedures-2014-09-17-en), as required by the ICANN Bylaws.
- As there were no comments received in the public forum the SCI deemed that no further changes were necessary nor was a public comment reply period needed.