- Global Domain Division (GDD)
- IANA Transition
- ICANN Accountability
- Planning for regional meeting with ICANN staff (schedule in advance of ICANN 51 in Los Angeles [mid to late September])
- ICANN Operational Excellence (Dashboard) (Carole Cornell) (time to be confirmed)
- GDD Feedback Letter (Yasmin Omer)
- CZDS “glitches”
- Auctions
- Name Collision
- New gTLD Process Developments
- Status of Auctions
- First round evaluation
- Other?
2:45 p.m. GNSO Review (Matt Ashtiani) (time to be confirmed)
3:15 Interim Report from the International Registration Data Expert Working Group (IRD EWG) (time to be confirmed)
- Overview (Ching Chiao)
- Q&A (Steve Sheng)
- GNSO Council – Issues and Motions
- ICANN Operational Accountability (i.e., GDD, financial and strategic planning)
- Privacy and Proxy Services
- Other?