This agenda is tentative, pending availability of guests and speakers
- Nominating Committee Update
- Internet Governance
- ICANN Strategic panels & Reviews
- Domain Name CollisionsThe implications of IDN Varients for ISPs and connectivity providers
Reviews - GNSO Review
- Multistakeholder Innovation (MSI)
Internet Governance - Overview/big-picture ISPCP focused
- ICANN operations plan and budget
- Outreach
(plans for the upcoming year)The implications of IDN Variants for ISPs - Discussion regarding GNSO issues and working groups
- Policy and Implementation working group
- IRTP-D working group Data and Metrics for Policy Making working group
- Others, to be determined
Connection to the Board Technical Liaison Group - Any Other Business (AOB)
Outreach activities
ISP & Connectivity Providers Constituency Meeting Slides (PPT format)
Remote participation