13:30 - 15:30 (local Beijing)
Discussion Agenda
- Welcome and introduction of membership introductions from membership [ 13:30 ]
- Visit WHOIS Expert Working Group (aka "gtld Directory Services) [ 13:45 ]
- Visit from Stephanie Perrin, member of ICANN's Expert Working Group on Whois on Whois
Wiki on Expert Working Group - ICANN Outreach and Engagement Efforts [ 13:45 ]
Visit - Visit from Sally Costerton, ICANN staff member responsible for outreach and engagement [ 14:15 ]Bottom - Open membership discussion on growing trend at ICANN to replace the bottom-up community-led policy development vs. development with top-down ICANN staff unilateralism [ 14:45 ]
- Visit from some members of ICANN's Accountability Transparency Reliability Team (ATRT-2) [ 15:00 - 15:30 ]
Visit from some members of ATRT-2. NCSG members can ask questions of team and provide input into team's work on ways ICANN can improve its accountability, transparency and reliability in carrying out its mission.
Note: NCSG moves to Grand Hall A at 15:30 for NCSG's meeting with the ICANN Board of Directors